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rmtbb / linkedin-deblur.url
Created February 12, 2025 23:19
Bookmarklet to De-blur LinkedIn Job Recommendations
rmtbb /
Created February 1, 2025 19:47
stayup: a fun one-liner tool that does more than just keep your Mac awake using `caffeinate -d -u`. It adds a bit of personality by displaying two synchronized, animated ASCII eyes
caffeinate -d -u & pid=$!; trap "kill $pid" EXIT; blink=$(( $(date +%s) + 10 + RANDOM % 21 )); nextdir=$(date +%s); px=$((RANDOM % 3)); py=$((RANDOM % 3)); while sleep 0.5; do now=$(date +%s); if [ $now -ge $nextdir ]; then px=$((RANDOM % 3)); py=$((RANDOM % 3)); nextdir=$((now + 2 + RANDOM % 3)); fi; if [ $now -ge $blink ]; then clear; echo -e " +-------+ +-------+"; echo -e " |-------| |-------|"; echo -e " |-------| |-------|"; echo -e " |-------| |-------|"; echo -e " +-------+ +-------+"; echo -e "\nStay up till you wake up\nPress Control + C to exit"; sleep 0.2; blink=$(( $(date +%s) + 10 + RANDOM % 21 )); fi; clear; echo -e " +-------+ +-------+"; for r in 0 1 2; do row=""; for c in 0 1 2; do if [ $r -eq $py ] && [ $c -eq $px ]; then row="${row}\033[107m\033[30m@\033[0m"; else row="${row}\033[107m \033[0m"; fi; done; echo -e " | ${row} | | ${row} |"; done; echo -e " +-------+ +-------+"; echo -e "\nStay up till you wake up\nPress Control + C to exit"; done
rmtbb / SOLDegenQuickReconToolbox.url
Last active January 22, 2025 03:09
Solana Degen Quick Recon Toolbox - It grabs a token address from your clipboard and opens GMGN, Rug Check, and TrenchBot (for tokens) in new tabs, saving you precious clicks
javascript:(function(){if(!navigator.clipboard){alert('Clipboard access is not available on this page. Please open a webpage and try again.');return;}navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function(t){if(!t){alert('Clipboard is empty or unreadable.');return;}t=t.trim();if(!t.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)){alert('Clipboard text is invalid.');return;}const u=[`${t}`,`${t}`];if(t.endsWith('pump'))u.push(`${t}`);u.forEach(l=>,'_blank'));}).catch(function(e){alert('Error reading clipboard: '+e);});})();
rmtbb / DEXSCREENER RugCheck Bookmarklet for Solana Tokens.url
Created January 21, 2025 06:51
DEXSCREENER RugCheck Bookmarklet for Solana Tokens
javascript:(function(){const el=document.querySelector("#root > div > main > div.custom-12pypef > div > div.custom-7w9b0e > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.chakra-stack.custom-1lzkwvw > div:nth-child(9) > div > a");if(el){const tokenAddress=el.href.split('/').pop();if(tokenAddress.length>=32){`${tokenAddress}`,'_blank');}else{alert('Invalid token address detected.');}}else{alert('Element not found.');}})();
rmtbb /
Created January 20, 2025 00:46
Folder Nuke: A Python script for overwriting file data and renaming files and folders to prevent data recovery before deletion.
Folder Nuke: Secure Data Overwrite and Rename Script
This script is designed to securely overwrite and rename all files and folders within a specified directory.
Its purpose is to prevent the recovery of sensitive data by overwriting file contents with random data and
randomizing file and folder names.
- Overwrites file contents with random alphanumeric data.
- Renames files to random alphanumeric names while preserving their extensions.
rmtbb /
Last active January 2, 2025 08:09
UNIVERSAL MAIL MERGE (File ID or Draft Subject) by Remote BB
* UNIVERSAL MAIL MERGE (File ID or Draft Subject) by Remote BB
* 1) Prompts the user for a single piece of text.
* - We first assume it's a Google Docs/Slides File ID.
* - If we can open the file AND it is Docs or Slides, we do a Docs/Slides merge.
* - Otherwise, we treat the input as part of a Gmail draft's subject and do an email merge.
* 2) Merges the data from the currently selected sheet:
rmtbb /
Created November 3, 2024 23:16
iMessage Attachments and Links Extractor for macOS
# Define the main export folder
mkdir -p "$export_folder"
# Part 1: Generate the CSV file
echo "Generating CSV file..."
sqlite3 ~/Library/Messages/chat.db <<EOF
rmtbb / ChatGPT Canvas HTML Renderer from Clipboard.url
Last active January 23, 2025 22:45
Bookmarklet that lets you render a full HTML page with any included css and javascript that is currently copied to your clipboard. Also works for SVG code. Useful with ChatGPT Canvas
javascript:(function(){try{navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function(t){if(t){var"","_blank","width=800,height=600");,e.document.write(t),e.document.close()}else alert("Clipboard is empty. Please copy some text to the clipboard first.")}).catch(function(t){console.error("Failed to read clipboard contents: ",t),alert("An error occurred while trying to access the clipboard. Please ensure your browser allows clipboard access.")})}catch(t){console.error("An error occurred:",t),alert("An error occurred while trying to open the new window with the clipboard content.")}})();//bookmarklet_title: HTML Preview from Clipboard
rmtbb / chatGptDelay-Bookmarklet.url
Last active September 23, 2024 06:20
Bookmarklet: ChatGPT Delay Send
javascript:(function(){ var time = prompt("Enter delay in minutes or seconds (e.g., '5s' for 5 seconds or '4m' for 4 minutes). If not specified, default is minutes:"); var delay; if (time.endsWith('s')) { delay = parseInt(time) * 1000; } else if (time.endsWith('m') || !time.match(/\d+[sm]/)) { delay = parseInt(time) * 60000; } else { delay = parseInt(time) * 60000; } setTimeout(() => { var button = document.querySelector('body > div.relative.flex.h-full.w-full.overflow-hidden.transition-colors.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.flex-col.overflow-hidden > main > div.composer-parent.flex.h-full.flex-col.focus-visible\\:outline-0 >\\:pt-0.dark\\:border-white\\/\\\\:dark\\:border-transparent.w-full > div >\\\\:px-5.lg\\:px-4.xl\\:px-5 > div > form > div > >\\.5.rounded-\\[26px\\].p-1\\\\[\\#f4f4f4\\].dark\\:bg-token-main-surf
rmtbb /
Created June 27, 2024 05:21
Bash script to return Shane Gillis' upcoming tour dates from his website
curl -s "" | jq '[.[] | select(.offers[]?.type == "Tickets") | {Date: .starts_at, "Artist Name": .lineup[0], "City and State": "\(, \(.venue.region)", "Venue Name":, "Tickets URL": (.offers[] | select(.type == "Tickets").url)}] | sort_by(.Date)'