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Last active January 2, 2025 08:09
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UNIVERSAL MAIL MERGE (File ID or Draft Subject) by Remote BB
* UNIVERSAL MAIL MERGE (File ID or Draft Subject) by Remote BB
* 1) Prompts the user for a single piece of text.
* - We first assume it's a Google Docs/Slides File ID.
* - If we can open the file AND it is Docs or Slides, we do a Docs/Slides merge.
* - Otherwise, we treat the input as part of a Gmail draft's subject and do an email merge.
* 2) Merges the data from the currently selected sheet:
* - For Docs, we copy the doc for each row, replacing {{ColumnName}} placeholders,
* then rename the copy to "OriginalDocName - <Email/Name/fallback>".
* - For Slides, we duplicate the first slide for each row, replacing {{ColumnName}} placeholders.
* - For Email, we search your drafts for a subject containing the text.
* For the first match, we replace placeholders in the draft’s subject & body, then send an email per row.
* BASIC SETUP (1, 2, 3):
* 1) In your Google Sheet, go to Extensions > Apps Script and paste this code into a script file.
* 2) Click the Run (►) button, then grant any permissions requested.
* 3) When prompted for "File ID or Draft Subject," paste in your Doc/Slides ID or partial draft subject.
* - If it’s a valid Docs/Slides ID, we do a Docs/Slides merge.
* - If not valid, we do an email merge using a matching Gmail draft.
function startMailMerge() {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Prompt for a single string that might be a file ID or partial draft subject
const userPrompt = ui.prompt(
"Universal Mail Merge",
"Enter EITHER a Google Docs/Slides File ID (from the URL), " +
"OR text from a Gmail draft’s subject. We’ll figure it out automatically.",
// If user canceled
if (userPrompt.getSelectedButton() !== ui.Button.OK) {
Logger.log("User canceled.");
// Get the user's input
const inputText = userPrompt.getResponseText().trim();
if (!inputText) {
ui.alert("No input provided. Merge canceled.");
// Attempt to treat input as a File ID first
let didFileMerge = tryFileMerge(inputText);
// If it wasn't a valid Docs/Slides file, do an email merge
if (!didFileMerge) {
* Try treating 'inputText' as a Google Docs/Slides File ID.
* If successful, merges the active sheet’s data into that file.
* Returns true if it succeeded (Docs/Slides), false otherwise.
function tryFileMerge(inputText) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const headers = data.shift(); // First row are headers
try {
const file = DriveApp.getFileById(inputText);
const mimeType = file.getMimeType();
// If it's a Google Doc
if (mimeType === "application/") {
docMailMerge(file, data, headers);
return true;
// If it's Google Slides
else if (mimeType === "application/") {
slidesMailMerge(inputText, data, headers);
return true;
// Otherwise, not supported => return false
return false;
} catch (err) {
// Could not open => not a valid file ID
Logger.log("Not a valid Docs/Slides file. Error: " + err);
return false;
* If input wasn't a valid Docs/Slides ID, we do an email merge:
* - 'inputText' is treated as part of the draft’s subject.
* - Find matching draft, confirm with user, replace placeholders, send.
function emailFlow(draftSubjectText) {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Grab data from the active sheet
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const headers = data.shift(); // first row = headers
// Search for drafts whose subject includes draftSubjectText
const allDrafts = GmailApp.getDrafts();
const matchingDrafts = allDrafts.filter(d =>
if (matchingDrafts.length === 0) {
"No Draft Found",
`No Gmail draft found containing: "${draftSubjectText}"`,
// Use the first matching draft, confirm with user
const selectedDraft = matchingDrafts[0];
const draftMsg = selectedDraft.getMessage();
const foundSubject = draftMsg.getSubject();
const confirm = ui.alert(
"Confirm Draft",
`We found a draft whose subject contains "${draftSubjectText}":\n\n"${foundSubject}"\n\nUse this draft?`,
if (confirm !== ui.Button.OK) {
Logger.log("User canceled draft usage.");
// Great, do the email merge
emailMailMergeUsingDraft(draftMsg, data, headers);
* ========================
* ========================
* Copies the Doc for each row, replaces {{ColumnName}} placeholders,
* and renames the copy as "OriginalDocName - <Email/Name/fallback>".
function docMailMerge(file, data, headers) {
// The original doc’s name
const originalDocName = file.getName();
const docId = file.getId();
// Identify the Email or Name columns if they exist
const emailIndex = headers.indexOf("Email");
const nameIndex = headers.indexOf("Name");
data.forEach(row => {
// 1) Copy the original doc
const docCopy = file.makeCopy();
const docCopyId = docCopy.getId();
const doc = DocumentApp.openById(docCopyId);
const body = doc.getBody();
// 2) Replace placeholders
headers.forEach((header, i) => {
const placeholder = `{{${header}}}`;
const value = row[i] || "";
body.replaceText(placeholder, value);
// 3) Build a "unique ID" portion for the doc name:
// Prefer "Email" if present, else "Name", else fallback to the first column
let mergeId = "";
if (emailIndex !== -1 && row[emailIndex]) {
mergeId = row[emailIndex];
} else if (nameIndex !== -1 && row[nameIndex]) {
mergeId = row[nameIndex];
} else {
// fallback: use the first non-empty column if possible
let fallbackIndex = row.findIndex(val => val && val.toString().trim() !== "");
fallbackIndex = fallbackIndex === -1 ? 0 : fallbackIndex;
mergeId = row[fallbackIndex];
// 4) Rename copy to: "OriginalDocName - mergeId"
// (If mergeId is empty, we won't add the hyphen.)
const newDocName = mergeId ? `${originalDocName} - ${mergeId}` : originalDocName;
Logger.log("Doc merge complete! Check your Drive for new copies.");
* ===========================
* ===========================
* Duplicates the first slide for each row, replaces {{ColumnName}} placeholders.
* (No special rename logic here, but you could add it if you wanted to rename slides.)
function slidesMailMerge(slidesId, data, headers) {
const slidesDeck = SlidesApp.openById(slidesId);
const templateSlide = slidesDeck.getSlides()[0];
data.forEach(row => {
const newSlide = templateSlide.duplicate();
headers.forEach((header, i) => {
const placeholder = `{{${header}}}`;
const value = row[i] || "";
newSlide.replaceAllText(placeholder, value);
// (Optional) remove the original template slide if you no longer need it
// templateSlide.remove();
Logger.log("Slides merge complete! Check your Slides deck.");
* ============================
* ============================
* Uses the chosen draft’s subject & body, replaces {{ColumnName}} placeholders, sends an email per row.
function emailMailMergeUsingDraft(draftMsg, data, headers) {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const originalSubject = draftMsg.getSubject();
const originalBody = draftMsg.getBody(); // HTML
const colEmail = headers.indexOf("Email");
if (colEmail === -1) {
'Missing "Email" Column',
'Please ensure your sheet has a column named "Email" for the recipient address.',
data.forEach(row => {
const recipient = row[colEmail];
if (!recipient) return; // skip rows without an email
let subject = originalSubject;
let body = originalBody;
headers.forEach((header, i) => {
const placeholder = `{{${header}}}`;
const value = row[i] || "";
subject = subject.replaceAll(placeholder, value);
body = body.replaceAll(placeholder, value);
GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, "", { htmlBody: body });
Logger.log("Email merge complete! Check your Sent Mail in Gmail.");
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