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Created February 18, 2024 15:28
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Creating a Custom JWT Token Utility in Spring Boot. #springboot #kotlin #jwt #jwttoken #jwtutil #customjwt
object JwtHelper {
* Enum class representing JWT algorithms with their corresponding values.
enum class JwtAlgorithm(val value: String) {
* Enum class representing HMAC signature algorithms with their corresponding values.
private enum class SignatureAlgorithm(val value: String) {
ALGORITHM_HS256("HmacSHA256"), ALGORITHM_HS384("HmacSHA384"), ALGORITHM_HS512("HmacSHA512")
// Secret key for JWT generation and verification
private var SECRET_KEY: String = ""
// Default expiration time for JWT tokens (365 days)
private const val EXPIRATION_TIME_MS = 31536000000 // 365 days - Customizable
// Default JWT algorithm and signature algorithm
private var jwtAlgorithm: String = JwtAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS512.value
private var signatureAlgorithm: String = SignatureAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS512.value
* Initializes the JWT Helper with the secret key and algorithm.
* @param key Secret key for JWT token generation and verification.
* @param algorithm JWT algorithm to be used (default is ALGORITHM_HS512).
fun init(key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm = JwtAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS512) {
this.SECRET_KEY = key
this.jwtAlgorithm = algorithm.value
this.signatureAlgorithm = when (algorithm) {
JwtAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS256 -> SignatureAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS256.value
JwtAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS384 -> SignatureAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS384.value
JwtAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS512 -> SignatureAlgorithm.ALGORITHM_HS512.value
* Generates a JWT payload with customizable parameters.
* @param subject Subject of the JWT token.
* @param issuer Issuer of the token (default is "yLnk").
* @param audience Audience for the token (default is "yLnk").
* @param issuedAt Time at which the token was issued (default is 0, current time used if set to 0).
* @param expireAt Time at which the token will expire (default is 0, 365 days expiration if set to 0).
* @param additionalData Additional data to include in the payload.
* @return Map representing the JWT payload.
fun generatePayload(
subject: String,
issuer: String = "yLnk",
audience: String = "yLnk",
issuedAt: Long = 0,
expireAt: Long = 0,
additionalData: Map<String, Any>? = null
): Map<String, Any> {
return executeBodyOrReturnNull {
val temp = HashMap<String, Any>()
val dateTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val currentTime = if (issuedAt == "0".toLong()) dateTime else issuedAt
temp["iss"] = issuer
temp["iat"] = currentTime
temp["exp"] = if (expireAt == "0".toLong()) {
} else {
temp["aud"] = audience
temp["sub"] = subject
additionalData?.let {
temp["additional"] = it
} ?: run { mutableMapOf() }
* Generates a JWT token using the provided payload.
* @param payload JWT payload to be encoded into the token.
* @return Generated JWT token.
fun generateJwtToken(payload: Map<String, Any>): String {
val header = encodeBase64URL("{\"alg\":\"${jwtAlgorithm}\",\"typ\":\"JWT\"}".toByteArray(UTF_8))
val encodedPayload = encodeBase64URL(serializeToJson(payload).toByteArray(UTF_8))
val signature = generateSignature("$header.$encodedPayload")
return "$header.$encodedPayload.$signature"
* Verifies the validity of a JWT token.
* @param token JWT token to be verified.
* @return True if the token is valid, false otherwise.
fun verifyJwtToken(token: String): Boolean {
val parts = token.split("\\.".toRegex())
if (parts.size != 3) {
return false
val header = parts[0]
val payload = parts[1]
val signature = parts[2]
val calculatedSignature = generateSignature("$header.$payload")
return calculatedSignature == signature
* Refreshes a JWT token by updating its issued at and expiration time.
* @param token JWT token to be refreshed.
* @return Refreshed JWT token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the token format is invalid.
fun refreshJwtToken(token: String): String {
val parts = token.split("\\.".toRegex())
if (parts.size != 3) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid JWT format")
val header = parts[0]
val payload = parts[1]
val payloadJson = decodeBase64URL(payload)
val payloadMap = ObjectMapper().readValue(payloadJson, as MutableMap<String, Any>
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
payloadMap["iat"] = currentTime
payloadMap["exp"] = currentTime + EXPIRATION_TIME_MS
val newPayload = encodeBase64URL(serializeToJson(payloadMap).toByteArray(UTF_8))
val newSignature = generateSignature("$header.$newPayload")
return "$header.$newPayload.$newSignature"
* Checks if a JWT token has expired.
* @param token JWT token to be checked.
* @return True if the token has expired, false otherwise.
fun isTokenExpired(token: String): Boolean {
val payloadMap = extractPayload(token) ?: return true
val expiration = payloadMap["exp"] as? Long ?: return true
return System.currentTimeMillis() > expiration
* Decodes a base64 URL-encoded string.
* @param input Base64 URL-encoded string to decode.
* @return Decoded string.
private fun decodeBase64URL(input: String): String {
val decodedBytes = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(input)
return String(decodedBytes, UTF_8)
* Extracts and decodes the payload from a JWT token.
* @param token JWT token from which to extract the payload.
* @return Decoded payload as a Map or null if the token format is invalid.
fun extractPayload(token: String): Map<String, Any>? {
val parts = token.split("\\.".toRegex())
if (parts.size != 3) {
return null
val payloadBase64 = parts[1]
val payloadJson = String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(payloadBase64), UTF_8)
return executeBodyOrReturnNull { ObjectMapper().readValue(payloadJson, as Map<String, Any> }
* Generates the signature for a given data using the specified signature algorithm.
* @param data Data for which the signature is generated.
* @return Base64 URL-encoded signature.
private fun generateSignature(
data: String,
): String {
val secretKeySpec = SecretKeySpec(SECRET_KEY.toByteArray(), signatureAlgorithm)
val mac = Mac.getInstance(signatureAlgorithm)
val signatureBytes = mac.doFinal(data.toByteArray())
return encodeBase64URL(signatureBytes)
* Encodes a byte array into a base64 URL-encoded string and removes padding.
* @param input Byte array to encode.
* @return Base64 URL-encoded string without padding.
private fun encodeBase64URL(input: ByteArray): String {
val encoded = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(input)
return encoded.replace("=", "")
* Serializes a Map of key-value pairs into a JSON-formatted string.
* @param data Map of key-value pairs to be serialized.
* @return JSON-formatted string representing the serialized data.
private fun serializeToJson(data: Map<String, Any>): String {
val entries = data.entries.joinToString(",") { "\"${it.key}\":\"${it.value}\"" }
return "{$entries}"
* Checks if the secret key is empty and throws an exception if it is.
* @throws InvalidJWTSecretKey if the secret key is empty.
private fun checkForSecretKey() {
if (SECRET_KEY.isEmpty()) throw InvalidJWTSecretKey()
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