I don’t think the slides are very useful on their own but you can find them here: http://rosstuck.com/dpc2016/#/.
(I was unable to create a decent PDF export, hence the self hosting).
The talk was recorded but I don’t know when it will be released.
This talk received a huge amount of help from a number of people, especially with the props involved.
- Aisha Sie helped review and edit, designed the coupon, and helped tremendously during photography.
- Nick Spelt designed and did all the print layout for the props involved, and did an amazing job.
- Mitchell van Wijngaarden created the "hat" signature and came up with the marketing slogan
- Guy Sie was responsible for the marketing photos
Beyond that, a number of people provided excellent feedback on the topic through conversation and review. Thanks enormously. :)
During the talk, I mentioned a few different books and papers you may be interested in.
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - An accessible introduction to the most common manipulation and marketing tactics.
- Expert Political Judgment - A comprehensive study of the accuracy of expert forecasters.
- The Earned Dogmatism Effect - A research paper into the close mindedness of subjects who perceive themselves as experts
If you have any follow-up questions or would like to discuss the talk further, feel free to mail [email protected]. A few folks have expressed that the content made them uneasy and I would appreciate any feedback you have.
Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTi8jw86-_s