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Forked from stuntgoat/indent_sql.el
Last active February 3, 2019 22:23
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An indentation heuristic for Emacs' sql-mode
(defun get-previous-indentation ()
"Get the column of the previous indented line"
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
(skip-chars-backward "\n \t")
(defun get-current-indentation ()
"Return column at current indentation"
(defun point-at-current-indentation ()
"Return point at current indentation"
(move-to-column (get-current-indentation))
(defun point-at-column-on-line (col)
"Returns the point at `col` on the current line"
(move-to-column col)
(defun ig-move-line-to-column (col)
"Move the line to col; fill with all spaces if moveing forward"
(interactive "p")
(let ((point-at-cur-indent (point-at-current-indentation))
(col-at-cur-indent (get-current-indentation)))
(cond (
(= col 0)
;; delete to beginning of line or do nothing
(if (= col-at-cur-indent 0)
(delete-region point-at-cur-indent (point-at-column-on-line 0))))
(< col col-at-cur-indent)
;; delete from our current point BACK to col
(delete-region (point-at-column-on-line col) point-at-cur-indent))
(> col col-at-cur-indent)
;; delete all text from indent to beginning of line
(delete-region point-at-cur-indent (point-at-column-on-line 0))
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
;; add spaces forward
(insert-char ?\s col))))))
(defun ig-indent-sql ()
"Indent by `tab-width` at most 1 time greater than the previously indented line otherwise go to the beginning of the line indent forward by `tab-width`"
(let ((previous (get-previous-indentation))
(current (get-current-indentation)))
(cond ( ;; exactly at previous line's indentation
(= previous current)
(ig-move-line-to-column (+ current tab-width)))
( ;; current is greater than previous
(> current previous)
;; exactly at one indentation forward from previous lines indent
(if (= tab-width (- current previous))
;; move line to beginning
(ig-move-line-to-column 0)
;; go back to previous indentation level
(ig-move-line-to-column previous)))
(ig-move-line-to-column (+ current tab-width))))))
(add-hook 'sql-mode-hook
(function (lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
(setq indent-line-function 'ig-indent-sql
tab-width 4))))
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