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rsuniev /
Created May 4, 2018 12:01 — forked from dm0-/
Update Docker on CoreOS using torcx
#!/bin/bash -e
# Select which Docker version to use on CoreOS with torcx.
# Specify the available Docker version to enable.
# Create modifiable torcx paths if they don't exist already.
mkdir -p /etc/torcx/profiles /var/lib/torcx/store
# Download the torcx manifest file for the currently running OS version.
def authorize_key_for_root(config, *key_paths)
[*key_paths, nil].each do |key_path|
if key_path.nil?
fail "Public key not found at following paths: #{key_paths.join(', ')}"
full_key_path = File.expand_path(key_path)
if File.exists?(full_key_path)
config.vm.provision 'file',
rsuniev / gist:0e1c50af4a892b68f903
Created January 6, 2016 15:26 — forked from debasishg/gist:8172796
A collection of links for streaming algorithms and data structures
  1. General Background and Overview
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.pattern.after
* Given an operation that produces a T, returns a Future containing the result of T, unless an exception is thrown,
* in which case the operation will be retried after _delay_ time, if there are more possible retries, which is configured through
* the _retries_ parameter. If the operation does not succeed and there is no retries left, the resulting Future will contain the last failure.
package derivation
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.coproduct.Length
import shapeless.ops.nat.ToInt
import scala.util.Random
sealed trait Animal
case class Cat(name: String, fish: Int) extends Animal
ActiveMQ Task-1] FailoverTransport INFO Successfully connected to tcp://MacBook-Pro.local:57022
[.local/] FailoverTransport WARN Transport (tcp://MacBook-Pro.local/ failed, reason: , attempting to automatically reconnect
at org.apache.activemq.openwire.OpenWireFormat.unmarshal(
at org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport.readCommand(
at org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport.doRun(
[ main] ZooKeeper INFO Session: 0x148d131f76d002b closed
<blueprint xmlns:xsi=""
<camel:camelContext xmlns="" id="paginationRouteContext">
rsuniev / SCC.scala
Created October 16, 2011 08:25 — forked from mads-hartmann/SCC.scala
Strongly Connected Components algorithm implemented in Scala
This is implemented following the instructions in "The Design and Analysis of
Computer Algorithms, AHO Hopcroft Ullman, 1974".
The implementation uses a DFS to find the strongly connected components (SCCs)
of a graph. During the DFS the vertices are placed on a stack in the order
they are visited. Whenever a root is found, all vertices of the corresponding
SSC are on the top of the stack and are popped.
rsuniev / SCC-scalaz.scala
Created October 16, 2011 08:24 — forked from mads-hartmann/SCC-scalaz.scala
Strongly Connected Components algorithm implemented in Scala using ScalaZ
This is implemented following the instructions in "The Design and Analysis of
Computer Algorithms, AHO Hopcroft Ullman, 1974".
The implementation uses a DFS to find the strongly connected components (SCCs)
of a graph. During the DFS the vertices are placed on a stack in the order
they are visited. Whenever a root is found, all vertices of the corresponding
SSC are on the top of the stack and are popped.
rsuniev / lensed.scala
Created September 25, 2011 10:55 — forked from gseitz/lensed.scala
// see
object Lensed {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
case class Address(street: String, number: Int)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)