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Created March 4, 2011 17:31
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A list of my favorite gems for various tasks.
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sgruhier commented Mar 4, 2011

Authentication: Devise and Omniauth
Testing: RSpec and Steak
RailsHelper: SimpleForm

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Mocking: RR
Factories: Factory Girl
MongoDB: MongoMapper
Server: Passenger
Deployment: Capistrano

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jmazzi commented Mar 4, 2011

VCR and fakeweb

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God is a memory hog. BTW, this type of things should be developed in a compiled language.

So, Monit.

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KieranP commented Mar 4, 2011

What about you preferred Ruby version (1.9.2?)? I'm guessing you'll use the latest Rails 3, so probably no point listing that.

I agree with all of your gems. They seem like the newest, most feature filled ones. It's great how these things keep developing.

I'd also add the following for me, please add your preferred ones. The bigger the list, the better:

Authentication: Devise
CSV Parsing: CSVScan (without error handling), FasterCSV (with error handling)
HTML Parser: I've been experimenting with HAML, looks pretty good
CSS Parser: less.rb or less.js (small and quick). Probably should look into SASS (which comes with HAML?)
Time parsing: chronic
Queueing: Resque
Error reporter: hoptoad_notifier
Dev tools: capistrano, capistrano_colors
Test tools: redgreen, timecop

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ryanb commented Mar 4, 2011

What about you preferred Ruby version (1.9.2?)?

Yep, I use Ruby 1.9.2 mostly.

I'd also add the following for me, please add your preferred ones.

Thanks for the list!

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Testing: Apirunner - nice Addition to Cucumber + Rack::Test when it comes to RESTful JSON API's
Presenting: showoff - simply great
CSS Spriting: lemonade - neat

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Views: haml, sass though compass

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So what do you guys use for auditing ?

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I've used acts_as_audited but it has some issues and adds new audit entres for creation even when I don't want it to

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@kimyoutora I have the same problem, looking for a new solution :)
Anyone used paper trail( for auditing ? (need to have a better look to see if it would work)

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rdpoor commented Aug 23, 2012

For everything not listed here, I depend on:

It does a decent job in showing which gems are actively supported and popular.

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