I hereby claim:
- I am ryanbaldwin on github.
- I am hemingward (https://keybase.io/hemingward) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDMoypoaEWS-clLH9INBmwxuJHjdqhJxIQx1a8CIMT9ZAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import Animated, { | |
useDerivedValue, | |
useSharedValue, | |
useAnimatedStyle, | |
useAnimatedScrollHandler, | |
interpolate, | |
} from 'react-native-reanimated'; | |
import {View, StyleSheet, FlatList, Text, Dimensions} from 'react-native'; | |
import React, {useCallback} from 'react'; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(ns ward.index-of) | |
(defn index-of | |
"Returns the first index where needle is found in haystack. | |
Returns -1 if the needle is not found in haystack." | |
[needle haystack] | |
(loop [n needle h haystack index 0] | |
(let [n-length (count n) | |
h-length (count h)] | |
(cond |
(ns ward.applied-mergesort | |
(:refer-clojure :exclude [merge])) | |
(defn merge | |
"Merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list." | |
[right left] | |
(flatten (loop [r right, l left, results []] | |
(let [rhead (first r) | |
lhead (first l)] | |
(cond (nil? rhead) (conj results l) |
(ns ward.mergesort | |
(:refer-clojure :exclude [merge])) | |
(defn merge | |
"Merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list." | |
[right left] | |
(flatten (loop [r right, l left, results []] | |
(let [rhead (first r) | |
lhead (first l)] | |
(cond (nil? rhead) (conj results l) |
(ns hipstr.validators.user-validator | |
(:require [noir.validation :as v] | |
[validateur.validation :refer :all])) | |
(def email-blank-msg | |
"Email is a required field") | |
(def email-format-msg | |
"The email's format is incorrect") |
(ns hipstr.test.validators.user-validator-test | |
(:require [hipstr.validators.user-validator :as uv]) | |
(:use clojure.test)) | |
(defn validate-email [email] | |
"Validates the provided email for us, and returns the | |
set of validation messages for the email, if any." | |
(:email (uv/email-validator {:email email}))) | |
(defn validate-username [username] |
(ns hipstr.validators.user-validator | |
(:require [noir.validation :as v] | |
[validateur.validation :refer :all])) | |
(def email-validator | |
(validation-set | |
(validate-with-predicate :email | |
#(v/is-email? (:email %)) | |
:message-fn (fn [validation-map] | |
(if (v/has-value? (:email validation-map)) |
(ns hipstr.validators.user-validator | |
(:require [noir.validation :as v] | |
[validateur.validation :refer :all])) | |
(defn validate-signup [signup] | |
"Validates teh incoming map of values from our signup form, | |
and returns a set of error messages for any invalid key. | |
Expects signup to have :username, :email, and :password." | |
(let [v (validation-set | |
(presence-of #{:email :password} |
find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g' |