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Last active October 2, 2015 22:34
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A mergesort implemented in Clojure; Takes any number of unordered lists and merges them into a single merged list.
(ns ward.mergesort
(:refer-clojure :exclude [merge]))
(defn merge
"Merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list."
[right left]
(flatten (loop [r right, l left, results []]
(let [rhead (first r)
lhead (first l)]
(cond (nil? rhead) (conj results l)
(nil? lhead) (conj results r)
(< (compare lhead rhead) 1) (recur (rest l) r (conj results lhead))
:else (recur l (rest r) (conj results rhead)))))))
(defn mergesort
"Performs a mergesort on any number of unordered lists, producing a single ordered list."
(if (<= (count items) 1)
(let [midpoint (/ (count items) 2)
left (mergesort (take midpoint items))
right (mergesort (drop midpoint items))]
(merge left right))))
([items & more]
(let [merged-items (map mergesort (conj more items))]
(reduce merge merged-items))))
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Changed line 12 to use compare instead of the straight up < against the raw values. This allows the merge to now use anything that implements Comparable, including strings and, uh, other stuff.

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