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Mattscreative ryzendew

Working from home
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sudo dnf install alsa-lib-devel cups-devel dbus-libs fontconfig-devel freetype-devel glibc-devel.i686 gnutls-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel libgphoto2-devel libunwind-devel libusbx-devel libX11-devel libXcomposite-devel libXcursor-devel libXext-devel libXfixes-devel libXi-devel libXrandr-devel libXrender-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libOSMesa-devel mingw32-gcc mingw64-gcc ocl-icd-devel samba-devel sane-backends-devel SDL2-devel vulkan-headers vulkan-loader vulkan-loader-devel && git clone $HOME/Documents/rum && echo $PATH && sudo cp $HOME/Documents/rum/rum /usr/local/bin/rum && git clone ElementalWarrior-wine && cd ElementalWarrior-wine && git switch affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 && mkdir winewow64-build/ wine-install/ && cd winewow64-build/ && ../configure --prefix="$HOME/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install" --enable-archs=i386,x86_64 && make -j $(nproc) && make install && sudo mkdir /opt/wines &&
sudo pacman -Syu alsa-lib alsa-plugins cups desktop-file-utils dosbox ffmpeg fontconfig freetype2 gcc-libs gettext giflib gnutls gst-plugins-base-libs gtk3 libgphoto2 libpcap libpulse libva libxcomposite libxcursor libxi libxinerama libxrandr mingw-w64-gcc opencl-headers opencl-icd-loader samba sane sdl2 v4l-utils vulkan-icd-loader wine-mono && git clone $HOME/Documents/rum && echo $PATH && sudo cp $HOME/Documents/rum/rum /usr/local/bin/rum && git clone ElementalWarrior-wine && cd ElementalWarrior-wine && git switch affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 && mkdir winewow64-build/ wine-install/ && cd winewow64-build/ && ../configure --prefix="$HOME/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install" --enable-archs=i386,x86_64 && make -j $(nproc) && make install && sudo mkdir /opt/wines && sudo cp --recursive "$HOME/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install" "/opt/wines/affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3" && sudo ln -s /opt/wines/affinity-photo3
ryzendew / gist:4a7ed81740ba0ef3c8f899ec0047c44e
Created June 12, 2024 21:11
How to upgrade to Nobara 40
Nobara 40 is currently ready to be upgraded to from 39. No new ISOs have been made yet, but all packages are updated and finalized.
To upgrade, nothing special is required this time around.
Run the Update System app (or nobara-sync in a terminal) to update your 39 installation and bring it in line with some packaging differences (wine-staging) that exist in 40
`sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade -y
This plugin may already be installed, especially if you have previously upgraded from an older Nobara version. (eg. 38 > 39)