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Last active September 3, 2024 13:03
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sudo pacman -Syu alsa-lib alsa-plugins cups desktop-file-utils dosbox ffmpeg fontconfig freetype2 gcc-libs gettext giflib gnutls gst-plugins-base-libs gtk3 libgphoto2 libpcap libpulse libva libxcomposite libxcursor libxi libxinerama libxrandr mingw-w64-gcc opencl-headers opencl-icd-loader samba sane sdl2 v4l-utils vulkan-icd-loader wine-mono && git clone $HOME/Documents/rum && echo $PATH && sudo cp $HOME/Documents/rum/rum /usr/local/bin/rum && git clone ElementalWarrior-wine && cd ElementalWarrior-wine && git switch affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 && mkdir winewow64-build/ wine-install/ && cd winewow64-build/ && ../configure --prefix="$HOME/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install" --enable-archs=i386,x86_64 && make -j $(nproc) && make install && sudo mkdir /opt/wines && sudo cp --recursive "$HOME/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install" "/opt/wines/affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3" && sudo ln -s /opt/wines/affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3/bin/wine /opt/wines/affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3/bin/wine64 && rum affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 $HOME/.wineAffinity wineboot --init && clear && rum affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 $HOME/.wineAffinity winetricks --unattended dotnet48 corefonts && rum affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 $HOME/.wineAffinity wine winecfg -v win11 && rum affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3 $HOME/.wineAffinity winetricks renderer=vulkan
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