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Saroar Khandoker saroar

Working from home
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import ComposableArchitecture
import Dependencies
import SwiftUI
// Based on Isowords's ``:
struct AuthClient {
enum AuthStatus {
case loggedIn
mugbug / AssertEquals+Diff.swift
Created June 10, 2021 20:29
XCTestCase wrapper for asserting equatable structs with formatted error diff message
import XCTest
// Credits:
//swiftlint:disable empty_string force_cast force_unwrapping unused_closure_parameter function_body_length
class MyCustomTestCase: XCTestCase {
func assertEqual<T: Equatable>(
expected: T,
actual: T
) {
import Combine
import ComposableArchitecture
import UserNotifications
public struct UserNotificationClient {
public var add: (UNNotificationRequest) -> Effect<Void, Error>
public var delegate: Effect<DelegateEvent, Never>
public var getNotificationSettings: Effect<Notification.Settings, Never>
public var removeDeliveredNotificationsWithIdentifiers: ([String]) -> Effect<Never, Never>
public var removePendingNotificationRequestsWithIdentifiers: ([String]) -> Effect<Never, Never>
dry1lud /
Last active November 27, 2023 10:07
Retry operation in Swift/Combine.

There is a function .retry() in Combine that helps to retry a request. Although it is not enough just to call retry() to achieve retring logic. The retry() function does not do another request but it re-subscribes only to a publisher. To make another request the tryCatch() might be used. In the code below if the first call fails there are three attempts to retry (retry(3)):

import UIKit
import Combine
import PlaygroundSupport

enum CustomNetworkingError: Error {
    case invalidServerResponse
lordcodes /
Created November 19, 2018 19:59
Read secrets into your iOS project from xcconfig files and then use Sourcery to generate a source file to use them within your code.
# Generate list of arguments to pass to Sourcery
function sourceryArguments {
# Environment variables from BuildConfig to map into AppSecrets
local arguments=(
local combinedArgs
jacobtomlinson / .gitignore_global
Created August 18, 2017 10:08
An example global gitignore file
# An example global gitignore file
# Place a copy if this at ~/.gitignore_global
# Run `git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global`
# Compiled source #
christofluethi / gist:646ae60d797a46a706a5
Last active December 19, 2024 17:10
Convert m4a to mp3 on OS X command line using ffmpeg
brew update
brew link yasm
brew link x264
brew link lame
brew link xvid
brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg wiki:
eric-hu / erb2slim bug
Last active June 8, 2016 09:53
Steps to reproduce invalid slim code from fresh Rails/Devise install
rails new test_app
cd test_app
echo "gem 'devise', '~> 3.0.0'" >> Gemfile
bundle install
rails g devise:views
gem install html2slim
for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do erb2slim $file ${file%erb}slim; done