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Last active March 29, 2018 14:25
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Kalman filter
class SingleStateKalmanFilter(object):
def __init__(self, A, B, C, x, P, Q, R):
self.A = A # Process dynamics
self.B = B # Control dynamics
self.C = C # Measurement dynamics
self.current_state_estimate = x # Current state estimate
self.current_prob_estimate = P # Current probability of state estimate
self.Q = Q # Process covariance
self.R = R # Measurement covariance
def current_state(self):
return self.current_state_estimate
def step(self, control_input, measurement):
# Prediction step
predicted_state_estimate = self.A * self.current_state_estimate + self.B * control_input
predicted_prob_estimate = (self.A * self.current_prob_estimate) * self.A + self.Q
# Observation step
innovation = measurement - self.C * predicted_state_estimate
innovation_covariance = self.C * predicted_prob_estimate * self.C + self.R
# Update step
kalman_gain = predicted_prob_estimate * self.C * 1 / float(innovation_covariance)
self.current_state_estimate = predicted_state_estimate + kalman_gain * innovation
# eye(n) = nxn identity matrix.
self.current_prob_estimate = (1 - kalman_gain * self.C) * predicted_prob_estimate
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