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scotticles /
Last active December 2, 2020 16:01
My Podman Notes

Podman Notes

I really like how podman is non-root capable and so this project I am working on I decided to ditch docker for it and run it as a user. I am using it on Ubuntu.

Just to make a note here, I am not using a registry, I had one on my raspberryPi but could not get the certificates to work correctly, after following like 3 different how to's I didn't want to invest anymore time. I could use dockerhub but I need this to be private, and they recently added limits. SO This a way to save and load in a image.

for the most part the dockerfile is exactly the same. So carry on with that.


scotticles /
Last active January 31, 2025 03:05
Wireguard Setup with multiple nodes and cross-communication

Run this on each node after installing wireguard to create the public key and private key. It will make a wg0.conf in /etc/wireguard

(umask 077 && printf "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = " | sudo tee /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf > /dev/null)

wg genkey | sudo tee -a /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf | wg pubkey | sudo tee /etc/wireguard/publickey

main node

scotticles /
Last active December 30, 2024 11:30
Dynamically update UFW with a dynamic dns for access to your home network or device with wireguard and ssh.
#IF IT DOES NOT WORK, AT LEAST ON UBUNTU INSTALL, bind-utils to get the host command
scotticles /
Last active May 3, 2020 16:58
A simple linux cli timer that alerts with sound and notification. ./ -m <minutes or -s <seconds> or by default if nothing is passed it will do 30 minutes.
# ./ -h 1
# ./ -m 30
# ./ -s 10 for 10 seconds
# ./ -e 1h10m30s
# ./ -m <message>
message="Times Up!!!!"
#checks for -s or -m else defaults to 30 minutes