I really like how podman is non-root capable and so this project I am working on I decided to ditch docker for it and run it as a user. I am using it on Ubuntu.
Just to make a note here, I am not using a registry, I had one on my raspberryPi but could not get the certificates to work correctly, after following like 3 different how to's I didn't want to invest anymore time. I could use dockerhub but I need this to be private, and they recently added limits. SO This a way to save and load in a image.
for the most part the dockerfile is exactly the same. So carry on with that.
podman save --compress -o myimage.tar imagename
scp myimage.tar [email protected]:.
On the server
podman load -i myimage.tar
Everythign else is similiar with podman run, if you mount a volume this is where it gets weird IF you are running as a user and not root.
use this as a resource
The user in my container is 1000:1000 UID AND GUID, you have to use this command to set the permissions within the userspace of podman.
podman unshare chown 1000:1000 -R file/path/of/mount/*
Then on your podman run -v /home/scott/mypodmanfiles/conf:/conf:z <-- add that :z
This took me some time to figure out, do I like it no, but I can run this container as non-root now. Very cool.
Found another resource that covers a lot: