This is a quick write up of how to get going with the AUVSI software. By no means is this complete, but these notes will help (hopefully).
These are the necessary steps for getting your computer ready to run the AUVSI software.
- Install Ubuntu 18.04 as a dual-boot system along with your other operating system(s). I highly recommend dual booting rather than trying to use a Virtual Machine. I used a VM for the first few months of AUVSI but I started running into weird network and device issues, so I had to switch over to a dual boot system and essentially start over. I have a bootable USB with 18.04 on it, anyone who wants to use it is welcome to get it from me in the MAGICC lab. See for more instructions. Note: Don't install any version besides 18.04 - ROS Melodic only officially supports 18.04 and all of the MAGICC lab code you'll be using is meant to run on Melodic.
- On your Ubuntu 18.04 installation:
- Install ROS Mel