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Change region of Xiaomi routers to unlock all channel: | |
1. Login to ur router in browser. | |
2. Open a new tab and paste this | |;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_country_code?country=CN | |
get the stok value from login tab and replace it in new tab and then hit enter. | |
3. Router will reboot automatically and on next login u will see all 5Ghz channel 36~48 and 149~165. | |
**u can also go with country=HK or country=TW (hongkong or taiwan) |
Same issue here, anyone got a solution if neither set_country_code or set_location works?
Works on my Mi Router 4a Global (not gigabit)
January 2025
I have a Redmi AX6 Chinese Version running on MiWiFi 稳定版 1.1.14 accessing:;stok=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/api/xqsystem/country_code Response: {"current":"CN","list":[{"name":"中国大陆","code":"CN"},{"name":"香港地区","code":"HK"},{"name":"台湾地区","code":"TW"},{"name":"韩国","code":"KR"},{"name":"欧洲","code":"EU"}],"code":0}
Upon accessing:;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_country_code?country=HK Response: {"msg":"操作失败","code":1606}
Also tried:;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_location?location=HK Response: No page is registered at '/api/xqsystem/set_location'. If this url belongs to an extension, make sure it is properly installed. If the extension was recently installed, try removing the /tmp/luci-indexcache file.
I got the same issue. Tried every method so far, i have an AX9000
Please note that some of these APIs are POST apis meaning you have to either use a tool like POSTMAN or write an actual code script to make these work. I couldnt get the actual complete channel list by changing the country but i was able to manually hard set the channel to 157 by using this API.
the important value below is channel2-157
hope this helps atleast somebody. I was trying to resolve this since 1 whole day until it hit me that not all api requests work on simple browsers.
Additionally, you can chech which apis are used by opening up developer tools and checking the network tab and then clicking on a button. from there you can take the api and payload format and try it yourself the way you would like.
I was able to unlock upper channels (149 and above) of 5GHz WiFi on Ax3000. For me what I did was
- Turned off smart connect i.e. separated 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands
- First changed the location** and country code*** of satellite router then primary router to CN.
- Changed the 5GHz bandwidth to 80MHz.
If you change the primary router first it will break the mesh network and you have to reset it. Also keep the wireless channel to auto because dropdown will not show the extended channels. I initalized the router with South Korea region and after changing the location to CN I changed the time zone of primaray router to Korea again as satellite/mesh router timezone was not changed with location change
For those who has {"msg":"操作失败","code":1606} because CountryCode hardcode within bdata partition
You can change Country Code by editing bdata mtd partition then write back to device.
Here 's some steps:
1.Get bdata partition to edit. Require ssh enabled.
- List all mtd partition to find which is bdata, in my case bdata is mtd15
#cat /proc/mtd
- Get bdata
#nanddump -f /tmp/bdata.bin /dev/mtd15
- Download bdata.bin to PC to edit with WinSCP or something like that.
2.Edit countrycode. Need hex editor, python 3 and some python script in https://github.com/odedlaz/ax3600-files/tree/master/scripts
- Open bdata.bin in Hex Editor, replace old Country code whith new one then save the file.
- Calculate CRC32 of new file with crc32.py from above github
python C:\crc32.py "C:\Users\z**\Desktop\bdata.bin"
new: 0xc71829ed
original: 0x20dddf5c
- Enable write permission on bdata partition. Default is readonly. SSH to Router
- Run command to some write magic bytes to crash partition that make bdata writeable
zz=$(dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=2 2>/dev/null) ; printf '\xA5\x5A%c%c' $zz $zz | mtd write - crash
- Reboot device
- I use WinsSCP uploading edited bdada.bin to /tmp/
- Write new bdata to NAND
mtd write /tmp/bdata.bin bdata
- Reboot device
I have a Redmi AX6 Chinese Version running on MiWiFi 稳定版 1.1.14
Upon accessing:;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_country_code?country=HK
Also tried:;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_location?location=HK
No page is registered at '/api/xqsystem/set_location'.
If this url belongs to an extension, make sure it is properly installed.
If the extension was recently installed, try removing the /tmp/luci-indexcache file.