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Last active January 21, 2020 06:54
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  • Save sile/18fc40dbc597d588aad7216443877f24 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sile/18fc40dbc597d588aad7216443877f24 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

The aim of this benchmark is to compare the performances of Optuna's pruners (i.e., NopPruner, MedianPruner, SuccessiveHalvingPruner and the ongoing HyperbandPruner). All of the pruners were used by the default settings in this benchmark.

The commands to execute this benchmark.

// (1) Downloads `kurobako` (BBO benchmark tool) binary.
$ curl -L -o kurobako
$ chmod +x kurobako && sudo mv kurobako /usr/local/bin/

// (2) Downloads data files of HPOBench. (notice that the total size is over 700MB)
$ curl -OL
$ tar xf fcnet_tabular_benchmarks.tar.gz && cd fcnet_tabular_benchmarks/

// (3) Generates problem recipes (there are four datasets).
//     Please see for the detail of HPOBench.
$ kurobako problem-suite hpobench fcnet . > problems.json

// (4) Generates solver recipes.
$ kurobako solver --name 'TPE' optuna --pruner nop > solvers.json
$ kurobako solver --name 'SuccessiveHalving with TPE' optuna --pruner asha >> solvers.json
$ kurobako solver --name 'MedianPruner with TPE' optuna --pruner median >> solvers.json
$ kurobako solver --name 'Hyperband with TPE' command -- python >> solvers.json

// (5) Runs benchmark.
$ kurobako studies --solvers $(cat solvers.json) --problems $(cat problems.json) --repeats 30 --budget 50 | kurobako run --parallelism 10 > result.json

Bechmark results (the following images are generated by $cat result.json | kurobako plot curve). hpo-bench-naval-880b007e3c61f4aecb7e9b0aa2f9be5fea9f491a076853f68f402769aa254034 hpo-bench-parkinson-445bfa45fdbb8ec6ae6d4dba1909114f3948fa67b47209258db9291480b405b5 hpo-bench-protein-add73d4788d7900b34988a8b91cde43e820cac99f9e354e1e71b0ea0be3ef4a6 hpo-bench-slice-d88e1704447639bde17f236f7af47f93274d1f02bc8ec66733146ff9cdf50196

A detailed and text-based report is here (the report was produced by the command $ cat result.json | kurobako report).

The following table is the summary of the ranking (quoted from the report):

Solver Borda Firsts
Hyperband with TPE 9 1
MedianPruner with TPE 7 1
SuccessiveHalving with TPE 4 1
TPE 4 1

The HyperbandPruner has the most Borda count, which indicates that it may be suited as the default pruner.

import argparse
from kurobako import solver
from kurobako.solver.optuna import OptunaSolverFactory
import optuna
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--min-resource', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--reduction-factor', type=int, default=3)
parser.add_argument('--min-early-stopping-rate-low', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--min-early-stopping-rate-high', type=int, default=4)
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'], default='error')
parser.add_argument('--sampler', choices=['tpe', 'random'], default='tpe')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.loglevel == 'debug':
elif args.loglevel == 'info':
elif args.loglevel == 'warning':
elif args.loglevel == 'error':
pruner = optuna.pruners.HyperbandPruner(
if args.sampler == 'tpe':
sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler()
elif args.sampler == 'random':
sampler = optuna.samplers.RandomSampler()
def create_study(seed):
return optuna.create_study(pruner=pruner, sampler=sampler)
if __name__ == '__main__':
factory = OptunaSolverFactory(create_study)
runner = solver.SolverRunner(factory)

Benchmark Result Report

  • Report ID: ab49fdfa2cf62ec133d6940711b5352308dc18334ffd5f255faee51ef905520c
  • Kurobako Version: 0.1.3
  • Number of Solvers: 4
  • Number of Problems: 4
  • Metrics Precedence: best value -> AUC -> elapsed time

Please refer to "A Strategy for Ranking Optimizers using Multiple Criteria" for the ranking strategy used in this report.

Table of Contents

  1. Overall Results
  2. Individual Results
  3. Solvers
  4. Problems
  5. Studies

Overall Results

Solver Borda Firsts
Hyperband with TPE 9 1
MedianPruner with TPE 7 1
SuccessiveHalving with TPE 4 1
TPE 4 1

Individual Results

(1) Problem: HPO-Bench-Parkinson

Ranking Solver Best (avg +- sd) AUC (avg +- sd) Elapsed (avg +- sd)
1 MedianPruner with TPE (study) 0.010319 +- 0.002872 0.646 +- 0.232 289.338 +- 60.135
2 Hyperband with TPE (study) 0.011403 +- 0.004289 0.731 +- 0.240 120.106 +- 12.651
3 SuccessiveHalving with TPE (study) 0.014822 +- 0.008332 0.712 +- 0.350 249.325 +- 131.821
4 TPE (study) 0.012665 +- 0.005501 0.955 +- 0.342 5.471 +- 0.440

(2) Problem: HPO-Bench-Naval

Ranking Solver Best (avg +- sd) AUC (avg +- sd) Elapsed (avg +- sd)
1 TPE (study) 0.000130 +- 0.000224 0.029 +- 0.039 5.399 +- 0.376
2 Hyperband with TPE (study) 0.000095 +- 0.000115 0.013 +- 0.013 126.993 +- 14.142
3 MedianPruner with TPE (study) 0.000119 +- 0.000175 0.013 +- 0.013 296.964 +- 73.482
4 SuccessiveHalving with TPE (study) 0.000644 +- 0.001719 0.039 +- 0.074 522.541 +- 442.635

(3) Problem: HPO-Bench-Protein

Ranking Solver Best (avg +- sd) AUC (avg +- sd) Elapsed (avg +- sd)
1 SuccessiveHalving with TPE (study) 0.233401 +- 0.007767 9.703 +- 0.336 222.130 +- 234.573
2 Hyperband with TPE (study) 0.233522 +- 0.010821 10.002 +- 0.538 111.348 +- 11.700
3 MedianPruner with TPE (study) 0.235170 +- 0.013301 10.280 +- 0.630 250.531 +- 40.316
4 TPE (study) 0.241203 +- 0.015100 10.554 +- 0.756 5.424 +- 0.400

(4) Problem: HPO-Bench-Slice

Ranking Solver Best (avg +- sd) AUC (avg +- sd) Elapsed (avg +- sd)
1 Hyperband with TPE (study) 0.000350 +- 0.000236 0.020 +- 0.011 119.939 +- 15.240
2 MedianPruner with TPE (study) 0.000319 +- 0.000088 0.018 +- 0.008 292.157 +- 84.493
3 TPE (study) 0.000308 +- 0.000088 0.030 +- 0.024 5.391 +- 0.343
4 SuccessiveHalving with TPE (study) 0.000510 +- 0.000351 0.022 +- 0.014 532.892 +- 674.634


ID: 5c2d0f6ef4e91f85ff31aadd7bf531744cb1ac80283ab4372fc8498540e479c5


  "name": "Hyperband with TPE",
  "command": {
    "path": "python",
    "args": [


  "name": "Hyperband with TPE",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Akiba, Takuya, et al. \"Optuna: A next-generation hyperparameter optimization framework.\" Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM, 2019.",
    "version": "optuna=0.19.0, kurobako-py=0.1.1"
  "capabilities": [

ID: ff6afef357c6e481d59cf7c916f6d1d35763ac00803b2a0e838d5cb33b51f543


  "name": "MedianPruner with TPE",
  "optuna": {}


  "name": "MedianPruner with TPE",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Akiba, Takuya, et al. \"Optuna: A next-generation hyperparameter optimization framework.\" Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM, 2019.",
    "version": "optuna=0.19.0, kurobako-py=0.1.1"
  "capabilities": [

ID: 507a3f8cf732d538feba4e2cdd6cf17d2b9f90a256810849929a7215ab592672


  "name": "SuccessiveHalving with TPE",
  "optuna": {
    "pruner": "asha"


  "name": "SuccessiveHalving with TPE",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Akiba, Takuya, et al. \"Optuna: A next-generation hyperparameter optimization framework.\" Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM, 2019.",
    "version": "optuna=0.19.0, kurobako-py=0.1.1"
  "capabilities": [

ID: c704b8debecaeee2d9b06549c5e3db2815760072fff200244dea9764ec623ea8


  "name": "TPE",
  "optuna": {
    "pruner": "nop"


  "name": "TPE",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Akiba, Takuya, et al. \"Optuna: A next-generation hyperparameter optimization framework.\" Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM, 2019.",
    "version": "optuna=0.19.0, kurobako-py=0.1.1"
  "capabilities": [


ID: 880b007e3c61f4aecb7e9b0aa2f9be5fea9f491a076853f68f402769aa254034


  "hpobench": {
    "dataset": "./fcnet_naval_propulsion_data.hdf5"


  "name": "HPO-Bench-Naval",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Klein, Aaron, and Frank Hutter. \"Tabular Benchmarks for Joint Architecture and Hyperparameter Optimization.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04970 (2019).",
    "version": "kurobako_problems=0.1.3"
  "params_domain": [
      "name": "activation_fn_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "activation_fn_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "batch_size",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 4
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "init_lr",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "lr_schedule",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "values_domain": [
      "name": "Validation MSE",
      "range": {
        "type": "CONTINUOUS",
        "low": 0.0
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "steps": 100

ID: 445bfa45fdbb8ec6ae6d4dba1909114f3948fa67b47209258db9291480b405b5


  "hpobench": {
    "dataset": "./fcnet_parkinsons_telemonitoring_data.hdf5"


  "name": "HPO-Bench-Parkinson",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Klein, Aaron, and Frank Hutter. \"Tabular Benchmarks for Joint Architecture and Hyperparameter Optimization.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04970 (2019).",
    "version": "kurobako_problems=0.1.3"
  "params_domain": [
      "name": "activation_fn_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "activation_fn_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "batch_size",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 4
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "init_lr",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "lr_schedule",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "values_domain": [
      "name": "Validation MSE",
      "range": {
        "type": "CONTINUOUS",
        "low": 0.0
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "steps": 100

ID: add73d4788d7900b34988a8b91cde43e820cac99f9e354e1e71b0ea0be3ef4a6


  "hpobench": {
    "dataset": "./fcnet_protein_structure_data.hdf5"


  "name": "HPO-Bench-Protein",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Klein, Aaron, and Frank Hutter. \"Tabular Benchmarks for Joint Architecture and Hyperparameter Optimization.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04970 (2019).",
    "version": "kurobako_problems=0.1.3"
  "params_domain": [
      "name": "activation_fn_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "activation_fn_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "batch_size",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 4
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "init_lr",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "lr_schedule",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "values_domain": [
      "name": "Validation MSE",
      "range": {
        "type": "CONTINUOUS",
        "low": 0.0
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "steps": 100

ID: d88e1704447639bde17f236f7af47f93274d1f02bc8ec66733146ff9cdf50196


  "hpobench": {
    "dataset": "./fcnet_slice_localization_data.hdf5"


  "name": "HPO-Bench-Slice",
  "attrs": {
    "github": "",
    "paper": "Klein, Aaron, and Frank Hutter. \"Tabular Benchmarks for Joint Architecture and Hyperparameter Optimization.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04970 (2019).",
    "version": "kurobako_problems=0.1.3"
  "params_domain": [
      "name": "activation_fn_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "activation_fn_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "batch_size",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 4
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "dropout_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 3
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "init_lr",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "lr_schedule",
      "range": {
        "type": "CATEGORICAL",
        "choices": [
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_1",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
      "name": "n_units_2",
      "range": {
        "type": "DISCRETE",
        "low": 0,
        "high": 6
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "values_domain": [
      "name": "Validation MSE",
      "range": {
        "type": "CONTINUOUS",
        "low": 0.0
      "distribution": "UNIFORM",
      "constraint": null
  "steps": 100


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