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Last active June 25, 2019 06:32
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#AngularJS templates and #rails with eager loading -- prefill the AngularJS $templateCache. Inspired by @minhajuddin --
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/javascripts/thing/
#= require angular/templates
angular.module("thing", ["app.templates"]).value("appName", "thing")

AngularJS app JavaScript keyed by app name thing


AngularJS app templates keyed by app name thing


Shared AngularJS modules


# /code/railsapp/lib/assets/javascripts/angular/
template_cache = []
# Prefill templateCache with latest templates
if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging?
Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates", "**", "*.haml")).each do |f|
pathname = Pathname(f)
template = {}
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing -> assets/thing
template[:dirname] = pathname.dirname.sub(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates").to_s, "assets")
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing/page.html.haml -> page.html
template[:basename] = pathname.basename(".haml")
# ["/", "assets/thing", "page.html"] -> /assets/thing/page.html
template[:path] = File.join("", template[:dirname], template[:basename])
# Render HAML to HTML
template[:markup] =
template_cache << template
angular.module("app.templates", []).run(["$templateCache", "appName", ($templateCache, appName) ->
templates = [
<% template_cache.each do |template| %>
path: "<%= template[:path] %>"
markup: """
<%= template[:markup] %>
<% end %>
appPath = "<%= File.join("", "assets", "") %>" + appName
# Only prefill the cache for the current app
$templateCache.put(template.path, template.markup) for template in templates when template.path.indexOf(appPath) == 0
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I ran into a gotcha with this implementation.

%input.input-block-level{ type: 'text', ng_model: 'obj.prop', ng_pattern: '/[0-9]/' }

😡 The regular expression was clobbered when compiled from HAML > HTML > CoffeeScript > JavaScript. 😡

The solution is to change the expression from a regex literal to a function.

%input.input-block-level{ type: 'text', ng_model: 'obj.prop', ng_pattern: 'obj.patternToMatch()' }

Now, the regular expression isn't sent through all the compilers.

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I don't quite understand what the purpose of the keying with appName is. Do you have multiple AngularJS apps inside one Rails app, and they're being served templates from different paths, so you only want to load the templates from the relevant path? For myself I just removed the when clause on line 34 because I've only got one AngularJS app, but I'm curious how your Rails app is structured and what benefits this provides. Thanks for writing this up though, it's really helpful! Thus far it seems to be the only good way I've found of deploying HAML based templates for an AngularJS app inside a Rails app.

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edgahan commented Oct 17, 2013

If you've arrived here from: and if you want templates.js.erb to reload when /angular/directives/some_directive_template.html changes then you can add this to config/initializers/sprockets.rb

And add templates.js to the precompile asset array in application.rb, and on my layout/application.html file I have something along the lines of

<script src="application.js"> <script src="templates.js"> Then within templates.js.erb add //= depend_on_tree ./angular/directives/

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MrOrz commented Nov 7, 2013

I changed the HAML rendering part with ERB renderer.

# Render ERB to HTML
template[:markup] =, nil, nil, 'tmpl').result(binding)

And it worked for my ERB templates :)

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Our app is just a single app, so the appName references were not needed.

Additionally, as credited elsewhere, you need depend_on(f) to keep the cache changing when your templates change:

template_cache = []
# Pre-fill templateCache with latest templates for all environments
if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.development?
  Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates", "**", "*.haml")).each do |f|
    pathname = Pathname(f)
    template = {}
    # /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing -> assets/thing
    template[:dirname] = pathname.dirname.sub(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates").to_s, "assets")
    # /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing/page.html.haml -> page.html
    template[:basename] = pathname.basename(".haml")
    # ["/", "assets/thing", "page.html"] -> /assets/thing/page.html
    template[:path] = File.join("", template[:dirname], template[:basename])
    # Render HAML to HTML
    template[:markup] =
    template_cache << template
angular.module('spokenvote.templates', []).run(['$templateCache', ($templateCache) ->
    templates = [
        <% template_cache.each do |template| %>
        path: "<%= template[:path] %>"
        markup: """
                <%= template[:markup] %>
        <% end %>

    # Pre-fill the Angular cache
    $templateCache.put(template.path, template.markup) for template in templates

Finally, I'd love to see an example of this logic moved into a helper method :-)

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