Note: due to volume, this has been moved to
This is a (necessarily incomplete) list of projects and channels that have decided to permanently move out of Freenode to (unless stated otherwise). Please reach out below or on IRC if there's additions or corrections.
Sources are mostly comments I've seen on HN, various IRC channels and web searches.
- Alpine (to oftc)
- Anbox
- Ansible
- Apertium (to OFTC)
- Arcan Chat
- Arch Linux
- Ardour
- Arduino
- Asahi Linux
- Asterisk
- Bastillebsd
- Bedrock Linux
- Bitcoin Core
- Bluespec Compiler
- BorgBackup
- bspwm
- Btrbk
- Buildroot (to OFTC)
- BZFlag
- Calamares
- Calyxos
- #cat-v (to OFTC)
- CentOS
- Chicken
- chimper
- Clojure
- ConnectBot
- Convos
- Coq
- Coreboot
- CoreRAD
- Couchdb
- Cozy
- Crosstool-NG
- Curl
- D-Lang
- dav1d
- Debian
- Devuan
- Django
- EasyRPG
- Elixir
- Emacs
- Emacs User Group Berlin
- #erc
- ET: Legacy
- exult
- Fantasya
- Fedora
- Fedora Zhongwen User Group
- Fennel
- Ffmpeg
- FileWiki
- Fink Project
- Fosdem
- Fosshost
- FreeBSD
- FreedroidRPG
- FreeIPA
- FVWM-crystal
- fvwm3
- Gamingonlinux
- Gentoo
- Git
- GNU Radio
- Gobolinux
- gPodder
- Grafana
- GrapheneOS
- Guile
- Guix
- HackSoc
- HardenedBSD
- Hardfought
- Haskell
- Haveno
- helloSystem
- herbstluftwm
- Hplusroadmap
- Huggle 3
- Illumos
- Indian Linux User's Group - Chennai
- IndieWeb
- infer
- invidious (moved to Matrix)
- ioquake3
- Ircpuzzles
- IRCv3 WG
- Irssi
- Jellyfin
- Jenkins
- KiCad
- killer
- kpatch
- Kvazaar
- Leiningen
- libguestfs
- libopencm3
- Libreelec
- #lisp
- LiteX
- Lobsters
- Lokke: Clojure for Guile
- London Hackspace
- MacPorts
- mal
- Metabrainz
- mgmtconfig
- Minecraft Overviewer
- Minetest
- Miraheze
- Monero
- MorphOS
- MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
- MusicPlayerDaemon
- Musl
- Mutt
- Mysql
- naemon
- Neomutt
- NetBSD
- Nethack
- NewPipe
- Newsboat
- NewtonScript
- NixOS (to Matrix)
- Nonguix
- Open Source Club at The Ohio State University
- OpenIKED
- OpenLab Augsburg
- OpenLDAP
- OpenMPTL
- openscad
- openvswitch
- OpenWRT (to OFTC)
- OpenZFS
- Org mode
- Packetframe
- Packit
- Pepper & Carrot
- Perl
- Pico lisp
- pimutils
- Pioneer Space Sim
- Podman
- Porteus
- Postgres
- Priyom
- Prometheus
- Pypy
- Python
- QT
- quick-lint-js
- Qutebrowser
- Radeon and #ROCm (to OFTC)
- Raku
- Reprap
- Rizin
- Rockbox
- Rocm (to oftc)
- Rsync
- Rtlsdr
- Salix-OS
- #scheme
- ScummVM
- Seattle GNU/Linux Conference
- Selenium
- serious-bg
- Sheffgeeks
- Slackware
- Solanum
- Solus
- Sopel
- Sourcehut
- Sway
- Sysadmin
- System Security Services Daemon
- Systemd
- Tahoe-LAFS
- Team Fortress Wiki
- The Lounge
- The Mana World
- The Powder Toy
- The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.
- The TenDRA Project
- Tübix
- Ubuntu
- Vegastrike
- Vim
- Visidata
- Voidlinux
- wayvnc
- Weechat
- Wesnoth
- Wikimedia
- Xapian
- Xen
- Xmonad
- xNetHack
- Xubuntu
- Yancy
- Zapp
- zaproxy
- Zig
- Zsh
More difficult to find are projects that have stayed, please let me know.
- GnuPG
- #freenode (duh)
Citation link for Python: