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Created November 23, 2012 12:37
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Emacs lisp scope guard
(require 'cl))
(defmacro* scope (&rest args)
"Partial implementation of scope the statement from D2.
A series of :key val arguments are accepted after which there is
a body of forms. The body is executed within an unwind-protect,
with the :exit form being unconditionally executed, and :success
and :failure conditionalised. A :failure-return argument will be
evaluated and its value returned in place of any condition raised.
All the keywords can occur multiple times and will appear in the
cleaup-forms of the unwind-protect in the same order the forms
appear in the keyword list.
(let (cleanup-actions success-or-failure failure-return)
;; parse the lambda list
(loop for (k v) on args by 'cddr
for i = 0 then (+ 1 i)
do (cond
;; known keyword, act on the parameter
((member k '(:exit :success :failure :failure-return))
(push (cons k v) cleanup-actions)
(when (member k '(:success :failure :failure-return))
(setf success-or-failure t)
(when (eq k :failure-return)
(setf failure-return t))))
;; not a known keyword, the rest is the body
(setf args (nthcdr (* 2 i) args))
(let* ((success-sym (if success-or-failure (gensym "SCOPE-SUCCESS-G")))
(return-sym (if failure-return (gensym "SCOPE-RETURN-G")))
(setf resulting-form
,@(if success-or-failure `((setf ,success-sym t))))
(loop for (k . v) in cleanup-actions
if (eq k :exit)
collect v
else if (eq k :success)
collect `(when ,success-sym
else if (eq k :failure)
collect `(when (not ,success-sym)
else if (eq k :failure-return)
collect `(when (not ,success-sym)
(return-from ,return-sym ,v))))))
(when success-or-failure
(setf resulting-form
`(let (,success-sym)
(when failure-return
(setf resulting-form
`(block ,return-sym
;; ELISP> (macroexpand '(scope :exit (release-on-exit)
;; (stuff)
;; (and other stuff)))
;; (unwind-protect
;; (progn
;; (stuff)
;; (and other stuff))
;; (release-on-exit))
;; ELISP> (macroexpand '(scope :failure (print "Woe!")
;; :exit (print "Mop up 1")
;; :exit (print "Mop up 2")
;; :success (print "Yay!")
;; (print "This is the body")))
;; (let
;; (SCOPE-SUCCESS-G126522)
;; (unwind-protect
;; (progn
;; (print "This is the body")
;; (setf SCOPE-SUCCESS-G126522 t))
;; (when
;; (not SCOPE-SUCCESS-G126522)
;; (print "Woe!"))
;; (print "Mop up 1")
;; (print "Mop up 2")
;; (when SCOPE-SUCCESS-G126522
;; (print "Yay!"))))
;; ELISP> (macroexpand '(scope :exit (release-on-exit)
;; :failure-return 'fail!
;; (stuff)
;; (and other stuff)))
;; (cl--block-wrapper
;; (catch '--cl-block-SCOPE-RETURN-G52309--
;; (let
;; (unwind-protect
;; (progn
;; (stuff)
;; (and other stuff)
;; (setf SCOPE-SUCCESS-G52308 t))
;; (release-on-exit)
;; (when
;; (not SCOPE-SUCCESS-G52308)
;; (return-from SCOPE-RETURN-G52309 'fail!))))))
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