January 4, 2013 00:52
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Emacs HTML entities un/escaping
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
(defvar user/html-entity-to-unicode-alist | |
'(("Aacute" . "Á") ("aacute" . "á") ("Acirc" . "Â") ("acirc" . "â") ("acute" . "´") ("AElig" . "Æ") ("aelig" . "æ") ("Agrave" . "À") ("agrave" . "à") ("alefsym" . "ℵ") ("Alpha" . "Α") ("alpha" . "α") ("amp" . "&") ("and" . "∧") ("ang" . "∠") ("apos" . "'") ("aring" . "å") ("Aring" . "Å") ("asymp" . "≈") ("atilde" . "ã") ("Atilde" . "Ã") ("auml" . "ä") ("Auml" . "Ä") ("bdquo" . "„") ("Beta" . "Β") ("beta" . "β") ("brvbar" . "¦") ("bull" . "•") ("cap" . "∩") ("ccedil" . "ç") ("Ccedil" . "Ç") ("cedil" . "¸") ("cent" . "¢") ("Chi" . "Χ") ("chi" . "χ") ("circ" . "ˆ") ("clubs" . "♣") ("cong" . "≅") ("copy" . "©") ("crarr" . "↵") ("cup" . "∪") ("curren" . "¤") ("Dagger" . "‡") ("dagger" . "†") ("darr" . "↓") ("dArr" . "⇓") ("deg" . "°") ("Delta" . "Δ") ("delta" . "δ") ("diams" . "♦") ("divide" . "÷") ("eacute" . "é") ("Eacute" . "É") ("ecirc" . "ê") ("Ecirc" . "Ê") ("egrave" . "è") ("Egrave" . "È") ("empty" . "∅") ("emsp" . " ") ("ensp" . " ") ("Epsilon" . "Ε") ("epsilon" . "ε") ("equiv" . "≡") ("Eta" . "Η") ("eta" . "η") ("eth" . "ð") ("ETH" . "Ð") ("euml" . "ë") ("Euml" . "Ë") ("euro" . "€") ("exist" . "∃") ("fnof" . "ƒ") ("forall" . "∀") ("frac12" . "½") ("frac14" . "¼") ("frac34" . "¾") ("frasl" . "⁄") ("Gamma" . "Γ") ("gamma" . "γ") ("ge" . "≥") ("gt" . ">") ("harr" . "↔") ("hArr" . "⇔") ("hearts" . "♥") ("hellip" . "…") ("iacute" . "í") ("Iacute" . "Í") ("icirc" . "î") ("Icirc" . "Î") ("iexcl" . "¡") ("igrave" . "ì") ("Igrave" . "Ì") ("image" . "ℑ") ("infin" . "∞") ("int" . "∫") ("Iota" . "Ι") ("iota" . "ι") ("iquest" . "¿") ("isin" . "∈") ("iuml" . "ï") ("Iuml" . "Ï") ("Kappa" . "Κ") ("kappa" . "κ") ("Lambda" . "Λ") ("lambda" . "λ") ("lang" . "〈") ("laquo" . "«") ("larr" . "←") ("lArr" . "⇐") ("lceil" . "⌈") ("ldquo" . "“") ("le" . "≤") ("lfloor" . "⌊") ("lowast" . "∗") ("loz" . "◊") ("lrm" . "") ("lsaquo" . "‹") ("lsquo" . "‘") ("lt" . "<") ("macr" . "¯") ("mdash" . "—") ("micro" . "µ") ("middot" . "·") ("minus" . "−") ("Mu" . "Μ") ("mu" . "μ") ("nabla" . "∇") ("nbsp" . "") ("ndash" . "–") ("ne" . "≠") ("ni" . "∋") ("not" . "¬") ("notin" . "∉") ("nsub" . "⊄") ("ntilde" . "ñ") ("Ntilde" . "Ñ") ("Nu" . "Ν") ("nu" . "ν") ("oacute" . "ó") ("Oacute" . "Ó") ("ocirc" . "ô") ("Ocirc" . "Ô") ("OElig" . "Œ") ("oelig" . "œ") ("ograve" . "ò") ("Ograve" . "Ò") ("oline" . "‾") ("omega" . "ω") ("Omega" . "Ω") ("Omicron" . "Ο") ("omicron" . "ο") ("oplus" . "⊕") ("or" . "∨") ("ordf" . "ª") ("ordm" . "º") ("oslash" . "ø") ("Oslash" . "Ø") ("otilde" . "õ") ("Otilde" . "Õ") ("otimes" . "⊗") ("ouml" . "ö") ("Ouml" . "Ö") ("para" . "¶") ("part" . "∂") ("permil" . "‰") ("perp" . "⊥") ("Phi" . "Φ") ("phi" . "φ") ("Pi" . "Π") ("pi" . "π") ("piv" . "ϖ") ("plusmn" . "±") ("pound" . "£") ("Prime" . "″") ("prime" . "′") ("prod" . "∏") ("prop" . "∝") ("Psi" . "Ψ") ("psi" . "ψ") ("quot" . "\"") ("radic" . "√") ("rang" . "〉") ("raquo" . "»") ("rarr" . "→") ("rArr" . "⇒") ("rceil" . "⌉") ("rdquo" . "”") ("real" . "ℜ") ("reg" . "®") ("rfloor" . "⌋") ("Rho" . "Ρ") ("rho" . "ρ") ("rlm" . "") ("rsaquo" . "›") ("rsquo" . "’") ("sbquo" . "‚") ("scaron" . "š") ("Scaron" . "Š") ("sdot" . "⋅") ("sect" . "§") ("shy" . "") ("Sigma" . "Σ") ("sigma" . "σ") ("sigmaf" . "ς") ("sim" . "∼") ("spades" . "♠") ("sub" . "⊂") ("sube" . "⊆") ("sum" . "∑") ("sup" . "⊃") ("sup1" . "¹") ("sup2" . "²") ("sup3" . "³") ("supe" . "⊇") ("szlig" . "ß") ("Tau" . "Τ") ("tau" . "τ") ("there4" . "∴") ("Theta" . "Θ") ("theta" . "θ") ("thetasym" . "ϑ") ("thinsp" . " ") ("thorn" . "þ") ("THORN" . "Þ") ("tilde" . "˜") ("times" . "×") ("trade" . "™") ("uacute" . "ú") ("Uacute" . "Ú") ("uarr" . "↑") ("uArr" . "⇑") ("ucirc" . "û") ("Ucirc" . "Û") ("ugrave" . "ù") ("Ugrave" . "Ù") ("uml" . "¨") ("upsih" . "ϒ") ("Upsilon" . "Υ") ("upsilon" . "υ") ("uuml" . "ü") ("Uuml" . "Ü") ("weierp" . "℘") ("Xi" . "Ξ") ("xi" . "ξ") ("yacute" . "ý") ("Yacute" . "Ý") ("yen" . "¥") ("yuml" . "ÿ") ("Yuml" . "Ÿ") ("Zeta" . "Ζ") ("zeta" . "ζ") ("zwj" . "") ("zwnj" . "")) | |
"Alist that maps HTML entity names to equivalent unicode characters") | |
(defvar user/html-entity-to-unicode-hash nil | |
"Hash table mapping HTML entities to unicode characters") | |
(defvar user/html-unicode-to-entity-hash nil | |
"Hash table mapping unicode characters to HTML entities") | |
(let ((entity-list-length (length user/html-entity-to-unicode-alist))) | |
(setq user/html-entity-to-unicode-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size entity-list-length)) | |
(loop for (key . val) in user/html-entity-to-unicode-alist | |
do (puthash key val user/html-entity-to-unicode-hash)) | |
(setq user/html-unicode-to-entity-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size entity-list-length)) | |
(loop for (val . key) in user/html-entity-to-unicode-alist | |
do (puthash key val user/html-unicode-to-entity-hash))) | |
(defun user/html-entity-to-unicode (entity) | |
(gethash entity user/html-entity-to-unicode-hash)) | |
(defun user/html-unicode-to-entity (unicode) | |
(gethash unicode user/html-unicode-to-entity-hash)) | |
(defun user/html-string-entities-to-unicode (string) | |
(replace-regexp-in-string "&[[:word:]]+;" | |
(lambda (s) | |
(or (user/html-entity-to-unicode (substring s 1 -1)) s)) | |
string)) | |
(defun user/html-string-unicode-to-entities (string) | |
(replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:word:]]" | |
(lambda (s) | |
(or (user/html-unicode-to-entity s) s)) | |
string)) | |
(defun user/html-escape (&optional start end) | |
"Escape characters to HTML entities in the current buffer between start and end, which default to the whole buffer" | |
(interactive "r") | |
(unless start (setq start (point-min))) | |
(unless end (setq end (point-max))) | |
(save-excursion | |
(save-restriction | |
(narrow-to-region start end) | |
(goto-char (point-min)) | |
(while (re-search-forward "\\([^[:word:]]\\)" nil t) | |
(let* ((match (match-string 1)) | |
(entity (user/html-unicode-to-entity (match-string 1)))) | |
(when entity | |
(setq entity (concat "&" entity ";"))) | |
(replace-match (or entity match) nil nil)))))) | |
(defun user/html-unescape (&optional start end) | |
"Unescape HTML entities to characters in the current buffer between start and end, which default to the whole buffer" | |
(interactive "r") | |
(unless start (setq start (point-min))) | |
(unless end (setq end (point-max))) | |
(save-excursion | |
(save-restriction | |
(narrow-to-region start end) | |
(goto-char (point-min)) | |
(while (re-search-forward "\\(&\\([[:word:]]+\\);\\)" nil t) | |
(replace-match (or (user/html-entity-to-unicode (match-string 2)) | |
(match-string 1)) | |
nil nil))))) |
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