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Last active March 12, 2018 17:00
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Dashboard and Embeddable Redux State Exploration

Dashboard Redux State Tree:

  id: string,
  title: string,
  timeRange: {
    from: string,
    to: string,
  autoRefreshInterval: string,
  options: {
    timeStoredWithDashboard: boolean,
    useDarkTheme: boolean,
    useMargins: boolean
  // We might need appliedFilters and pending filters...
  filters: {},
  panels: {
    [id]: {
      gridData: { // Used for positioning by ReactGridLayout
        x: int,
        y: int,
        w: int,
        h: int,
        i: string, // id
      // Configuration state is per panel data that is generally updated via the panel
      // context menu.
      configuration: {
        // Custom time range per panel
        customTimeRange: {},
        // if not undefined, this will be shown instead of the
        // title supplied by the embeddable
        customTitle: string,
        drillDownLinks: [
            id: string,
            label: string,
            type: ?,
            url: string?,
            objectId: id?
        // A JSON object for the embeddable to store whatever it wants here which can
        // override other settings on the embeddable instance (for example, columns
        // on a saved search, or colors in a pie chart).  This can be any shape dictated
        // by the embeddable, dashboard knows nothing.
        // While not currently something exposed on the panel context menu, this is probably 
        // something we want to do, to allow users to "reset" this - so all values go back
        // to the stored state on the embeddable (e.g. whatever colors or columns, have most
        // recently been saved with the embeddable).
        // This is TWO WAY data - dashboard can tell the embeddable it changed (got reset, maybe
        // a manual modification of JSON data), *and* the embeddable can tell dashboard it changed
        // (user changed the color of a pie slice).
        embeddablePersonalization: {}
      // State that dashboard expects the embeddable to give it.
      // @typedef {Object} EmbeddableData
      embeddable: {
        // This is state that might change after the embeddable has been initially rendered.
        // If we offer the embeddable a changeState function to call with new state, this is
        // the shape of the data we should expect back, while below is metadata that we only need
        // to grab once per render.
        // @typedef {Object} EmbeddableViewData
        view: {
          drillDownLink: {
            // Ids of the filters that were clicked on. These will be dynamically
            // applied to the drill down links customized for this panel. If these
            // are supplied the drill down menu should be displayed at the current
            // mouse location
            stagedFilters: FilterObject
        // Once set, metadata shouldn't change.
        // @typedef {Object} EmbeddableMetaData
        metadata {
          // Right now this is either visualization or saved search.
          type: string,
          // If this is true, then dashboard will show a "configure drill down
          // links" menu option in the context menu for the panel.
          supportsDrillDowns: boolean,
          editUrl: string,
          title: string,
          indexPatterns: {...},
          // Any shape (make no assumptions)!
          // But currently, it will have the id for visualizations and saved searches.
          embeddableConfiguration: {
            objectId: string?,

Dashboard Stored Saved Object State

State we need to store with each dashboard object, essentially what the dashboard saved object should look like

Current representation:

_id: string // The id of the saved object is a special doc id field in elasticsearch.
_source: {
  type: string, // always will be "dashboard",
  updated_at: string,
  dashboard: {
    title: string,
    description: string,
    // Stores all panel data, including embeddablePersonalization data, and data needed to recreate the
    // embeddable (both data dashboard knows about and expects, e.g. type, and data it might not 
    // need to care about, e.g. id of the saved object for visualizations.
    panelsJSON: string,
    // Stuff in the options panel, like dark theme and use margins.
    optionsJSON: string,
    // A deprecated field that needs an official migration path before we can get rid of it completely.
    // Currently only migrated once an older dashboard is opened.
    uiStateJSON: string,
    // I'm actually not sure what this is for.  Shows up as just 1 in my index.  We store the kibana version
    // with panel data, but we should probably pull that out and store it only once per dashboard, not once
    // per panel.
    version: number,
    // Should the time range be saved with the dashboard?  
    timeRestore: boolean,
    // If timeRestore is true:
    timeTo: string,
    timeFrom: string,
    refreshInterval: {...}
    // Not sure why this is nested under a generic term rather than something dashboard specific. If it's
    // common to all saved objects, it should probably be under _source, not under _source.dashboard
    kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {
      // Stores filters saved with the dashboard.
      searchSourceJSON: string

Ideal representation

If we can make fields easily updateable and migratable, we should parse all that stuff out of JSON objects. Then we could search/query for different aspects.

_id: string // The id of the saved object is a special doc id field in elasticsearch.
_source: {
  type: string, // always will be "dashboard",
  updated_at: string,
  dashboard: {
    title: string,
    description: string,
    kibanaVersion: string,
    // Should the time range be saved with the dashboard?  
    timeRestore: boolean,
    timeRange: {...},
    filters: {...},
    useDarkTheme: boolean,
    useMargins: boolean,
    // Should we keep this as JSON?  The benefit is that it's a lot easier to modify it without needing
    // to adjust the kibana index mapping. The downside is that then you can easily change something and
    // forget to handle BWC for older style dashboards.
    panels: {
      [id:string]: {
        gridData: {
          x: int,
          y: int,
          w: int,
          h: int,
        // Optional panel specific time range
        timeRange: {...},
        // Optionally override the title given by the embeddable,
        customTitle: string,
        drillDownLinks: [
            name: string,
            url: string?,
            objectId: string?,
        // The type of embeddable. Used to look up the embeddable factory plugin so the
        // embeddable can be rendered.
        type: string,
        // Since we don't know the shape of this, we'll have to store it as JSON - we can't
        // create a mapping for it in our index. This will contain per panel embeddable state, such
        // as pie colors and saved search columns.
        embeddablePersonalizationJSON: string,
        // We won't know the shape of this either. This will contain data required by the embeddable
        // to render itself. Such as, visualizations and saved searches need an id in order to load
        // themselves. It differs from the personalization above because it's the same for every
        // embeddable and can't be changed by dashboard. We do want to expose functionality for
        // dashboard to wipe out the embeddable personalization data.
        // ** Is this separation from the above neccessary for storage purposes?? Should we reconsider this?
        embeddableConfigurationJSON: string,

Dashboard and Embeddable communication


// grab dashboard object from storage

// loop through panels array

For each panel:
  const metadata = embeddableFactoriers[panel.type].initialize(
    type: panel.type,
    configuration: panel.embeddableConfiguration
  // Keep this out of redux to avoid re-renders on data that doesn't change.
  // This is derived data that the selectors can get from.  Prefetched!
  embeddableMetaDataCache[] = metadata;


// @typedef {Object} EmbeddableState - Data that dashbaord needs from the embeddable
// I think this will just be EmbeddableViewData plus a field for embeddablePersonalization
   // Before we have drilldown links expose, we need a way to communicate the filters to apply
   // immediately on a dashboard (but once applied don't really matter anymore to a visualization).
   applyFilters: {},
   // Once we expose drillDownLinks 
   drillDownLink: {
     // Ids of the filters that were clicked on. These will be dynamically
     // applied to the drill down links customized for this panel. If these
     // are supplied the drill down menu should be displayed at the current
     // mouse location
     stagedFilters: FilterObject
   // Could be anything - colors on a pie slice, or columns in a saved search. Can be modified by
   // the embeddable or possibly by the dashboard - whether reset or if expose the actual object
   // for manual modification at the panel level on a dashboard...
   personalizationData: {},


// @typedef {Object} PanelState - data embeddable needs from dashboard in order to render itself.
  // Data stored on the dashboard, given to us by the embeddable.  We don't know or care what is in
  // here, but the embeddable needs it to recreate itself from storage.
  embeddableConfiguration: {
    objectId: string
  filters: {...},
  timeRange: {...},

 * @param {EmbeddableState} newEmbeddableState
const changeState = (newEmbeddableState) => {
  // Convert newEmbeddableState to the Redux tree representation. It's not an exact transformation because:
  // 1. There is some data that is two way - both given to dashboard and dashboard can tell the embeddable to
  // change.  The redux tree formation separates these types of data.
  // 2. We can change our minds much easier about our redux tree set up if it's decoupled from our
  // plugin communication layer which we will have to support long term and BWC.
  For each known value inside of EmbeddableState that maps to our redux tree:
    dispatch(ACTION_TO_UPDATE, newEmbeddableState.value)

// Once again panelState should not map directly to our redux tree
const { update: fn } = embeddableFactory.render({ node, containerState, changeState });

EmbeddableFactory::render({ panelState }) {
 // mount myself then call


Add panel action

// Add new panel
  embeddableType: "bar-chart",
  // Whatever data the embeddable needs to create an instance of this type. It will vary based on
  // the plugin type.
  embeddableConfiguration: {
    objectId: string

// Selector
function getPanel(state, id) {
  const panel = state.panels[id];
  return {
    embeddableMeta: embeddableFactories[panel.embeddableType].metadata,

Embeddable State

Embeddable state is the data that the embeddable gives dashboard. It differs slightly from dashboard redux tree because some data we

    // Data 
    metadata: {
        // Right now this is either visualization or saved search.
        type: string,
        // If this is true, then dashboard will show a "configure drill down
        // links" menu option in the context menu for the panel.
        supportsDrillDowns: boolean,
  // Index patterns used by this embeddable. This information is currently
  // used by the filter on a dashboard for which fields to show in the
  // dropdown. Otherwise we'd have to show all fields over all indexes and
  // if no embeddables use those index patterns, there really is no point
  // to filtering on them.
  indexPatternIds: [id1, id2],
  // Dashboard navigates to this url when the user clicks 'Edit visualization'
  // in the panel context menu.
  editUrl: string,
  // Title to be shown in the panel. Can be overridden at the panel level.
  title: string,

  esQuery {...},

Corner Cases to check for

  1. We must ensure that if embeddables communicate changes to dashbaord via a state tree, that untouched state won't overwrite two way data.

For instance: embeddablePersonalization state goes both ways. Dashboard might tell the embeddable to wipe it out, but the embeddable might tell dashboard to udpate it.

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