Panel loaded on a dashboard
// dashboard_panel.js
async componentDidMount() {
this.props.renderEmbeddable(this.panelElement, this.props.panel);
render() {
return (
ref={panelElement => this.panelElement = panelElement}
// Inside the embeddable - a click happened internally and we want to notify dashboard to expose the drill down context menu
onClickDataPoint(filters) {
// Panel handler exposes a bunch of functions to the embeddable. Very similar to your kibanaDataApi, but internally
// it has the panel id (rather than forcing the embeddable to pass panel id along... maybe there is a better way to do this).
// Trying to think how this would be represented in a functional world, using the changeState function you have,
// how can we represent in pure state 'display the drill down link context menu using this filter'? Perhaps
changeState({ exposeDrillDownLinkSetupMenu: true, showDrillDownLinkContextMenu: true, stagedFilterIds: [id1, id2], appliedFilterIds: [id1, id2] });
// but using raw