The -j option of the application generator accepts an arbitrary string. If passed "foo", the gem "foo-rails" is added to the Gemfile, and the application JavaScript manifest requires "foo" and "foo_ujs". As of this writing "prototype-rails" and "jquery-rails" exist and provide those files via the asset pipeline. Default is "jquery". [fxn]
jQuery is no longer vendored, it is provided from now on by the jquery-rails gem. [fxn]
Prototype and Scriptaculous are no longer vendored, they are provided from now on by the prototype-rails gem. [fxn]
The scaffold controller will now produce SCSS file if Sass is available [Prem Sichanugrist]
These are some of Ryan Bates's favorite gems to use for various tasks:
- JavaScript: jQuery with jquery-rails
- Pagination: Kaminari
- Testing: RSpec and Cucumber
- Factories: Factory Girl
- Authentication: Nifty Generators and Omniauth
- Authorization: CanCan
- File Attachments: Carrierwave
- HTML/XML Parsing: Nokogiri