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Created April 12, 2021 06:20
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Function that can be added as an alias to your ~/.bashrc to find all conda environments that contain a particular package (and optionally version)
#Usage: my-lost-package my-version
conda info --envs |
grep -v "#" |
sed 's/\s\+/\t/' |
cut -f2 |
sed '/^$/d' |
sed 's/^\*\s\+//' |
while read line; do
conda list -p $line |
grep -v "#" |
awk -v env=$line '{print env"\t"$0}' ;
done |
awk -v look=$1 -v ver=$2 '{if($2 == look){if(ver != ""){if($3 == ver){print $0}}else{print $0}}}'
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