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Stuart Langridge stuartlangridge

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stuartlangridge / rp24.ics
Created May 27, 2024 08:05
quick Python script to convert the #rp24 calendar into an ical file (warning: might not be correct!)
PRODID:-//Stuart Hacky Script For Ian//
DESCRIPTION:Die TINCON Berlin startet! Und sie wird größer und läuft l
änger als je zuvor – wie aufregend!!\nTessniem Kadiri\,
Prince Ofori\n/en/node/6194
stuartlangridge /
Created July 6, 2023 19:16
Python file to read the Bluesky ("atproto") firehose and show the json of each message. (Doesn't contain the author, because who knows how the hell to do that.)
from atproto.firehose import FirehoseSubscribeReposClient, parse_subscribe_repos_message
import sys
from atproto import CAR, models
from atproto.cbor import decode_dag, decode_dag_multi
from atproto.xrpc_client.models.utils import get_or_create
import json
class JSONExtra(json.JSONEncoder):
"""raw objects sometimes contain CID() objects, which
seem to be references to something elsewhere in bluesky.
stuartlangridge /
Created February 15, 2023 23:42
A little Python script to fetch all of a person's Mastodon followers and followings and see which servers they're on
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import requests_cache
import json
MASTODON_USERNAME = "[email protected]"
def fetch(endpoint):
url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/{endpoint}"
stuartlangridge / transcript
Created July 19, 2022 19:48
PHP version of imul
# this file is $a, $b, expected answer for imul($a, $b)
$ cat tests/imul.txt
-1, -2, 2
1, 2, 2
-1, 2, -2
1, -2, -2
-0, 0, 0
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Find "tubewhacks"; words or phrases whose letters appear in all but a single tube station's name
Yeah, I'm just here to ruin the fun of thinking them up, by applying code to the problem. Sorry.
import os
import textwrap
stuartlangridge /
Created August 13, 2021 15:04
A small script for Ian Lloyd. Pass text to it on stdin and it outputs that same text with spelling errors highlighted. Change the highlight characters at the top if you need to.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, subprocess
HIGHLIGHT_AFTER = "👈" # if you just want a highlight before, make this ""
cmd = ["aspell", "pipe"]
# add any extra options given to our command to the aspell command
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
cmd += sys.argv[1:]
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
# feed the line to aspell; will throw obvious error on failure
stuartlangridge /
Created July 27, 2021 18:02
Unsubscribe from all Github repos for a specific org
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Github won't let you say "don't subscribe me to new repos" for
one specific org only. You can either turn off autosubscribe
for everything, or for nothing.
This is extremely annoying if you're added to a very busy
new organisation, most of which you don't care about. This is
because you don't want to turn off all autosubscriptions -- if your
friend adds you to her new repo as a committer, you still want
stuartlangridge /
Created July 26, 2021 19:47
Parse FabioLolix/LinuxTimeline to get the chain of ancestry for Linux distros and find the longest
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from requests_cache import CachedSession as MySession
MySession = requests.Session
def unstring(s):
stuartlangridge /
Created February 20, 2021 19:29
Pub quiz question: which country has produced the most million selling popstars per square km?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import requests_cache
import urllib.parse
import os.path
requests_cache.install_cache(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'million_sellers'))
stuartlangridge /
Created May 26, 2020 23:33
A deno script to make a single plain HTML file version of the deno manual

Note that this is a very quick thing. In particular, it only handles two levels of documentation in the manual, and it doesn't include images. Both would need to be fixed for this to actually be useful; however, this was entirely sufficient to drop a copy onto my phone where I could read it while my stupid mobile operator pretends to fix my network, sigh, etc.