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Created May 14, 2022 07:17
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grab image
in response to tweet 1525230931279233026
how to grab that image
the in-page script doesn't load an image, it instead loads
the image data in a weird format and then renders it to
one of a bunch of in-page canvases
the loaded "image" data appears to come in multiple widths
and the page fetches the smallest one it can get away with,
a la srcsets, which is good for bandwidth
so first we need to convince it to get the largest version of
its proprietary image format
thus, we grab the container that all the canvases are in and
resize it to be bigger than the biggest size of the image
here, 6000px is big enough. Finding this out is a question of
experimentation, although you can also read the original
width from the --sf-original-height custom style property
on the smart frame component. Grabbing this value and using
it as the resize target here is left as an exercise for the
var ap = document.querySelector("div.articlePage.container");"6000px";"6000px";
OK, that resizing will trigger the in-page code to go and download
a new, larger, version of the original image and render it.
We need to wait for that to happen before downloading the new
image data. Obviously, the best way to do this would be to
actually work out when that's finished and then run the next
bit of code, but the work hasn't been done to work out how
to do that, and canvases (obviously) don't have an onloaded
property. So instead we hackily just wait a couple of seconds
with a setTimeout and then run the code after that. If you keep
getting a smaller image, or an empty image, jack up the timeout
at the end from 2000 (milliseconds) to something larger.
The site code tries to stop people downloading the images by
overwriting the useful methods on their canvas object (the
toDataURL, toBlob, getContext, etc methods) with a different
method that pops up their warning instead.
So we make another canvas, borrow *its* toDataURL method, and
call that with the target canvas as "this"; that's what the
call statement below does, because JS object methods aren't
really methods, they're a sort of syntactic sugar.
var c = document.querySelector("canvas.stage");
var u = document.createElement("canvas");
Cool, now we've got the image data URL in u. For convenience,
let's download it rather than give someone a sad string which
is about sixty zillion bytes long. To do so, make a link,
set its href to be the data URL, set the download property to
be the name of the image, and programmatically click on it,
which will download the data as a PNG, as expected.
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = u; = "stolen.png";;
}, 2000); // this is the 2000 to change to increase the timeout
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This doesn't seem to work anymore.
It returns the error:

TypeError: 'toDataURL' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLCanvasElement.

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RayMairlot commented Jan 10, 2024

@stuartlangridge @skroggur I think they may have updated how they have the canvas set up slightly. I don't know too much about Javascript but after some digging I found that the canvas tags are now in a closed shadow-root node and seem to be inaccessible so the query selectors now return null. Would love to hear if there's a workaround to this!

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lazjedi commented Oct 8, 2024

Hello, did you find new method about the code?

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