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Last active January 10, 2024 15:57
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How to do arbitrary data script with p2tr
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var SHA256 = string_or_uint8array => bytesToHex( sha256( string_or_uint8array ) );
var bytesToHex = bytes => bytes.reduce( ( str, byte ) => str + byte.toString( 16 ).padStart( 2, "0" ), "" );
var hexToBytes = hex => Uint8Array.from( hex.match( /.{1,2}/g ).map( byte => parseInt( byte, 16 ) ) );
var runscript = async () => {
var privkey = bytesToHex( nobleSecp256k1.utils.randomPrivateKey() );
var pubkey = nobleSecp256k1.getPublicKey( privkey, true ).substring( 2 );
var keyhash = SHA256( hexToBytes( pubkey ) );
var script = [ "this is some arbitrary data", 'OP_VERIFY', 'OP_DUP', 'OP_SHA256', keyhash, 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG' ];
var tapleaf = tapscript.Tap.encodeScript(script);
var [ tpubkey, cblock ] = tapscript.Tap.getPubKey(pubkey, { target: tapleaf })
var address = tapscript.Address.p2tr.fromPubKey(tpubkey, 'testnet');
console.log( "deposit at least 10k sats to this address:" );
console.log( address );
var txid = prompt( `deposit at least 10k sats to this address (which is also in your console):\n\n${address}\n\nthen enter the txid of your deposit` );
var vout = prompt( "and the vout" );
vout = Number( vout );
var amt = prompt( "and the amount in sats" );
amt = Number( amt );
var txdata = tapscript.Tx.create({
vin: [{
txid: txid,
vout: vout,
prevout: {
value: amt,
scriptPubKey: tapscript.Address.toScriptPubKey( address ),
vout: [{
value: amt - 500,
scriptPubKey: tapscript.Address.toScriptPubKey( 'bcrt1q6zpf4gefu4ckuud3pjch563nm7x27u4ruahz3y' ),
var sig = tapscript.Signer.taproot.sign( privkey, txdata, 0, { extension: tapleaf }).hex;[ 0 ].witness = [ sig, pubkey, script, cblock ];
var isValid = await tapscript.Signer.taproot.verify( txdata, 0, { pubkey });
console.log( "sig is valid, right?", isValid );
var txhex = tapscript.Tx.encode( txdata ).hex;
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.innerHTML = `broadcast this tx:<br>${txhex}`;
$( '.texto' ).append( div );
<div class="texto"></div>
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