Based on Mislav's gist and vim-tmux-navigator.
Since tmux hosts vim I disliked that I had to install a vim plugin for this. Instead I think it's cleaner to control vim from tmux.
My actual goal was to achive the following behaviour though (I have a default setup similar to the one Mislav shows in the gist. Two vertically split tmux panes, where the left one hosts vim, which has two vertically split windows):
- On the leftmost window in vim: when I hit
(do not wrap to the rightmost tmux pane, but) zoom the left tmux pane. - On the rightmost tmux pane: when I hit
(do not wrap to the leftmost tmux pane, but) zoom the right tmux pane. - All other navigation: work as given in Mislav's gist
I guess the toggle between last active panes behaviour has slightly changed, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to work exactly and I don't use it much anyway.
@svenfuchs thanks for this!
I just thought I'd note here that I forked christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator to include this zoom functionality (see amiel/vim-tmux-navigator). My fork requires ruby, but sends the commands to vim without using
, which makes it work in insert mode.