netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow "ssid=AIVDSurveilanceCar1" “key=PreferablyaVerylooongpassword” keyUsage=persistent
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
landline connection -> properties -> Sharing -> Share to Wireless Network Connection 2
Does not work with cisco VPN.
For this, open the command prompt as administrator and enter the following netsh command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow "ssid=AIVDSurveilanceCar1" “key=PreferablyaVerylongpassword” keyUsage=persistent
For the ssid a practical name is the name of your laptop. The password has to be between 8 and 63 characters long.
Now start the hosted network by entering:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Navigate to the network connection panel (Computer\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections. You'll see several network connections. At least one land line (probably named Local Area Connection) and two wireless ones (probably named Wireless Network Connection and Wireless Network Connection 2).
Open the properties of the land line and on the Sharing tab:
- Check "Allow other network users to connect throught this computer's Internet connection"
- For Home networking connection choose Wireless Network Connection 2
From this point you should be able to connect to the ssid and access the landline.
Wireless Network Connection 2 standardly exposes a lot of services you don't need. Switch them off, they'll only bother you.
You'll want to do this eventually:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
The shared network gives access to everything you can access. Not only to the iPads you use for testing, but also to people on the street. Who impersonate you on the network. Although it takes some time, It is not very hard to crack WPA2 passwords.
- Make sure to use a strong password and change it on a regular basis (
netsh wlan set hostednetwork "key=NewandchangedLongkey"
) - Shut down the hosted network when you don't use it (
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
Your laptop has a hardware switch for wireless. Make sure it is not switched off.
The cisco VPN software is (probably on purpose) incompatible with network sharing. As long as a hosted network is running it is not possible to log in. The VPN software doesn't give any warning, appears to work and behaves as if you entered a wrong number from your key. To make it work again, stop the hosted network and uncheck "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection".