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Keeping the bots charged

Iván Pérez taichikuji

Keeping the bots charged
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taichikuji /
Last active January 11, 2025 12:14
Guide on how to set up Simplemenu on the Powkiddy v90 devices using MiyooCFW on version 1.3.3

Setting up Simplemenu on the Powkiddy v90 with MiyooCFW; the proper way

Setting up Simplemenu

In order to get everything to work, first we need to set up Simplemenu as intended, let me give you a summary:

  1. First of all, I would like to mention and thank these two guides that made this whole thing possible: [1] and [2] below.

I have compiled a simplemenu zip that I will be attaching to this gist.

taichikuji /
Created August 17, 2020 21:41
steamcommunity output js file


I will explain what is this about, and then I'll add the output file I got. On the day 17 of August of 2020, at around 23:20 CEST,, and went down, but not completely.

While playing around with the sites while all of this is happening, something interesting happened, and I saved the code just in case.

First file I got was the steamcommunity.js file while trying to access my own steam profile (It quickly got "fixed" and now it does not display anything).

Second file is just a generic html to explain that the site could not load properly because the site was down.

taichikuji /
Last active February 23, 2025 13:26
Get a DDNS up and running with DuckDNS - Step by Step

Get a DDNS up and running with DuckDNS - Step by Step

Understanding DDNS

In summary, DDNS stands for Dynamic DNS. DDNS updates a DNS name in real-time to point to a changing IP address. This is useful for devices without a static IP. For example, companies like Google use static IPs and IP ranges, which are more expensive than ephemeral IPs and IP ranges. DDNS provides a cost-effective alternative, linking a hostname to a dynamic IP address.

How Does DDNS Work?

To use DDNS, you need an account with a DDNS provider. While some services are paid, they are still cheaper than static public IPs from ISPs. A script or service on your device updates the DDNS server with your current IP at regular intervals to maintain the link between your hostname and IP address. Luckily for us, DuckDNS is free for everybody and relays on donations to keep their services running.