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takagi /
Created January 30, 2023 01:12
small kernels
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
__global__ void vecAddOne(float *a, int n) {
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (id < n)
a[id] += 1.0f;
takagi / diff.patch
Created December 21, 2022 01:11
Eliminate D2H sync on ascending flag
diff --git a/cupyx/scipy/interpolate/ b/cupyx/scipy/interpolate/
index bab74671e..ec3c5bcac 100644
--- a/cupyx/scipy/interpolate/
+++ b/cupyx/scipy/interpolate/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ INTERVAL_KERNEL = r'''
extern "C" {
__global__ void find_breakpoint_position(
const double* breakpoints, const double* x, long long* out,
- bool extrapolate, int total_x, int total_breakpoints, bool asc) {
+ bool extrapolate, int total_x, int total_breakpoints, const bool* pasc) {
takagi /
Last active February 1, 2021 23:56

A tool to generate files for C extensions of CUDA-relatged libraries for CuPy. Currently covered are cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, and cuSOLVER, which have so many APIs to write their extensions by hands.


Generate files for all of the libraries
takagi / out
Created November 29, 2020 04:30
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"_nodetype": "FileAST",
"coord": null,
"ext": [
"_nodetype": "Pragma",
"coord": "../utils/fake_libc_include/_fake_typedefs.h:56:9",
"string": "GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\""
takagi /
Created July 22, 2019 09:10
Test code for cupy.cuda.nccl.NcclCommunicator's broadcast method.
import multiprocessing
import cupy
from cupy import cuda
from cupy.cuda import nccl
from cupy import testing
def f(n_devices, device, comm_id, rank):
comm = nccl.NcclCommunicator(n_devices, comm_id, rank)
$ CHAINER_DTYPE=float16 python -d 0 -e 10
#vocab = 10000
epoch iteration perplexity val_perplexity
0 500 326440
0 1000 301342
1 1500 298940 inf
1 2000 334369
1 2500 334369
2 3000 306202 inf
2 3500 339762
$ CHAINER_DTYPE=float16 python -d 0
[nltk_data] Downloading package brown to /home/ext-
[nltk_data] mtakagi/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package brown is already up-to-date!
# of sentences: 57340
# of words: 56057
# of pos: 472
epoch main/loss validation/main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
0 244.875 18.3736
0 373.75 34.9924
takagi / memnn_fp16
Last active June 14, 2019 02:14
Comparison of Chainer's memnn example between in FP32 mode and in FP16 mode
$ CHAINER_DTYPE=float16 python tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_train.txt tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_test.txt -d 0
Training data: tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_train.txt: 2000
Test data: tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_test.txt: 200
epoch main/loss validation/main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/accuracy
1 nan nan 0.0017004 0
2 nan nan 0 0
3 nan nan 0 0
4 nan nan 0 0
5 nan nan 0 0
6 nan nan 0 0
takagi / mnist_fp16
Created June 10, 2019 08:41
Comparison of Chainer's mnist example between in FP32 mode and in FP16 mode
$ CHAINER_DTYPE=float16 python -d 0
Device: @cupy:0
# unit: 1000
# Minibatch-size: 100
# epoch: 20
epoch main/loss validation/main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 nan nan 0.0994271 0.0980225 3.91818
2 nan nan 0.0997917 0.0980225 6.22553
3 nan nan 0.0995833 0.0980225 8.72424
takagi / dcgan_fp16
Last active June 10, 2019 07:25
Comparison of Chainer's dcgan example between in FP32 mode and in FP16 mode
$ CHAINER_DTYPE=float16 python -d 0
Device: @cupy:0
# Minibatch-size: 50
# n_hidden: 100
# epoch: 1000
epoch iteration gen/loss dis/loss ................] 0.01%
0 100 nan nan
0 200 nan nan
0 300 nan nan