A tool to generate files for C extensions of CUDA-relatged libraries for CuPy. Currently covered are cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, and cuSOLVER, which have so many APIs to write their extensions by hands.
python gen_pyx.py <directive-file> <tempalte-file> # Cython .pyx files
python gen_pxd.py <directive-file> <tempalte-file> # Cython .pxd files
python gen_stub.py <directive-file> <tempalte-file> # stub for Read the Docs
python gen_compat.py <directive-file> <tempalte-file> # stub for CUDA version compatibility
Follow gen.sh
for combinations of the directive and template files.
- pycparser(https://github.com/eliben/pycparser)
- C preprocessor -
<directives> ::= <cuda-versions-directive>
{<comment-directive> | <function-directive>}*
The directives consist of a CUDA VERSIONS directive, a HEADERS directive, a PATTERNS directive, and an optional SPECIAL TYPES directive in this order, followed by multiple COMMENT directives and/or FUNCTION directives. The following shows the beginning part of the directives for generating files for cuBLAS.
# Setting
('CudaVersions', ['11.2', '11.1', '11.0', '10.2', '10.0', '9.2']),
('Headers', ['cublas_v2.h']),
('Patterns', {
'func': r'cublas([A-Z][^_]*)(:?_v2|)',
'type': r'cublas([A-Z].*)_t',
# cuBLAS Helper Function
('Comment', 'cuBLAS Helper Function'),
('cublasCreate_v2', {
'out': 'handle',
'except?': 0,
'use_stream': False,
<cuda-versions-directive> ::= ('CudaVersions', [<cuda-version>, ...])
CUDA VERSIONS directive specifies the CUDA Toolkit versions from which this tool generates files for CuPy to call CUDA-related libraries. <cuda-version>
s are CUDA Toolkit versions as strings and they have to be sorted in descending order. The following shows a CUDA VERSIONS directive.
('CudaVersions', ['11.2', '11.1', '11.0', '10.2', '10.1', '10.0', '9.2'])
<headers-directive> ::= ('Headers', [<header-filename>, ...])
HEADERS directive specifies the names of the headers of the CUDA-related library for which this tool generates files with the directives. The following shows the HEADERS directive for cuSOLVER.
('Headers', ['cusolverDn.h', 'cusolverSp.h'])
<patterns-directive> ::= ('Patterns', {
'func': <function-pattern>,
'type': <type-pattern>
PATTERNS directive specifies patterns to map the names of CUDA-related libraries' APIs in C to those of CuPy's wrapper functions and related types in Python, represented in regular expressions. The value of 'func'
is for functions, and the value of 'type'
is for types including opaque pointers and enums.
The following shows the PATTERNS directive for cuSPARSE. The contents of the groups are used as the names in CuPy, e.g. cusparseCreate
to create
, and cusparseHandle_t
to Handle
('Patterns', {
'func': r'cusparse([A-Z].*)',
'type': r'cusparse([A-Z].*)_t',
<speical-types-directive> ::= ('SpecialTypes', {
<cuda-type-name>: {
'transpiled': <transpiled-type-name>,
'erased': <erased-type-name>,
'conversion': <erased-to-transpiled-conversion-template>,
SPECIAL TYPES directive specifies special rules that does not follow the PATTERN directive to map the names in CUDA-related librarys' types to those in CuPy. <cuda-type-name>
is a type name in the C headers and <transpiled-type-name>
is its counterpart transpiled into in the generated Cython files. <erased-type-name>
is the name of its representative type used in the signatures of the generated wrapper functions. <erased-to-transpiled-conversion-template>
is a template string to be formatted into a Cython code that converts a value of the 'transpiled' type to a value of the 'erased' type. cudaDataType_t
, cudaStream_t
, and some others are pre-defined as built-in ones.
The following shows a SPECIAL TYPES directive and a generated wrapper function for a C declaration uses cuComplex
('SpecialTypes', {
'cuComplex': {
'transpiled': 'cuComplex',
'erased': 'complex',
'conversion': 'complex_to_cuda({var})',
cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseCcsr2csr_compress(cusparseHandle_t handle,
int m,
int n,
const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
const cuComplex* csrSortedValA,
const int* csrSortedColIndA,
const int* csrSortedRowPtrA,
int nnzA,
const int* nnzPerRow,
cuComplex* csrSortedValC,
int* csrSortedColIndC,
int* csrSortedRowPtrC,
cuComplex tol);
cpdef ccsr2csr_compress(intptr_t handle, int m, int n, size_t descrA, intptr_t csrSortedValA, intptr_t csrSortedColIndA, intptr_t csrSortedRowPtrA, int nnzA, intptr_t nnzPerRow, intptr_t csrSortedValC, intptr_t csrSortedColIndC, intptr_t csrSortedRowPtrC, complex tol):
status = cusparseCcsr2csr_compress(<Handle>handle, m, n, <const MatDescr>descrA, <const cuComplex*>csrSortedValA, <const int*>csrSortedColIndA, <const int*>csrSortedRowPtrA, nnzA, <const int*>nnzPerRow, <cuComplex*>csrSortedValC, <int*>csrSortedColIndC, <int*>csrSortedRowPtrC, complex_to_cuda(tol))
<comment-directive> ::= ('Comment', <comment>)
COMMENT directive specifies a comment line emitted in the place it appears in the order of the directives. The following shows a COMMENT directive followed by cublasCreate
FUNCTION directive, and its generation in the .pyx file.
('Comment', 'cuBLAS Helper Function'),
('cublasCreate_v2', {
# cuBLAS Helper Function
cpdef intptr_t create() except? 0:
<function-directive> ::= (<function-name>, {
'transpiled': <transpiled-option>,
'out': <out-option>,
'except?': <except?-option>,
'except': <except-option>,
'use_stream': <use-stream-option>
FUNCTION directive specifies the CUDA function to generate the wrapper function and gives it some configuration for its generation process. It consists of a tuple with two elements that a string <function-name>
and a dictionary that has some options for the configuration.
is the name of the CUDA function to generate. We can use some convenient notations to make a FUNCTION directive match multiple CUDA functions:
for the data types, e.g.cublasI<t>amax
for the datatype precision and the internal lower precision, e.g.cusolverDn<t1><t2>gesv
like brace expansion for arbitrary strings in the function name, e.g.cublas<t>dot{,u,c}
The configuration dictionary's options are described in the subsections.
The following is cublasCreate
's directive, C declaration in its header, and generated wrapper function.
('cublasCreate_v2', {
'out': 'handle',
'except?': 0,
'use_stream': False,
cublasCreate_v2 (cublasHandle_t *handle);
cpdef intptr_t create() except? 0:
cdef Handle handle
status = cublasCreate_v2(&handle)
return <intptr_t>handle
<transpiled-option> ::= <wrapper-function-name>
TRANSPILED option exceptionally gives the name of the wrapper function, <wrapper-function-name>
, that does not follow the pattern specified in PATTERNS directive. TRANSPILED option is optional. The following shows cusolverSpCreate
's directive, C declaration in its header, and generated wrapper function.
('cusolverSpCreate', {
'transpiled': 'spCreate',
cusolverStatus_t CUSOLVERAPI
cusolverSpCreate(cusolverSpHandle_t *handle);
cpdef intptr_t spCreate() except? 0:
cdef SpHandle handle
status = cusolverSpCreate(&handle)
return <intptr_t>handle
<out-option> ::= None (* NONE-OUT case *)
| 'Returned' (* RETURNED-OUT case *)
| <var-name> (* SINGLE-OUT case *)
| (<var-name>, ...) | (<class-name>, (<var-name>, ...)) (* MULTI-OUT case *)
OUT option gives if the wrapper function returns a value or not and what value it returns. It has three cases: NONE-OUT case, SINGLE-OUT case, and MULTI-OUT case. OUT option is required.
When None
is specified, the generated wrapper returns no value. The following shows cublasI<t>amax
's directive, declaration in its C header and generated wrapper function.
('cublasI<t>amax_v2', {
'out': None,
cublasIsamax_v2(cublasHandle_t handle,
int n,
const float *x,
int incx,
int *result);
cpdef isamax(intptr_t handle, int n, intptr_t x, int incx, intptr_t result):
status = cublasIsamax_v2(<Handle>handle, n, <const float*>x, incx, <int*>result)
When 'Returned'
is specified, the generated wrapper returns the returned value of the CUDA function directly.
When a string <var-name>
is specified, the generated wrapper returns a value set by an output parameter whose name is <var-name>
in the CUDA function. The following shows cusparseCreate
's directive, declaration in its C header, and generated wrapper function.
('cusparseCreate', {
'out': 'handle',
cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseCreate(cusparseHandle_t* handle);
cpdef intptr_t create() except? 0:
cdef Handle handle
status = cusparseCreate(&handle)
return <intptr_t>handle
When a tuple of strings is specified, the generated wrapper returns a tuple of values set by several output parameters in the CUDA function. The specified tuple's strings determine the output parameters to use by their names.
MULTI-OUT case has another form: a tuple with two elements that a string <class-name>
and a tuple of strings. With this form, the generated wrapper returns values contained by a helper class whose name is the given <class-name>
. The definition of the helper class is also generated automatically. The following shows cusparseSpVecGet
's directive, declaration in its C header, and generated wrapper function.
('cusparseSpVecGet', {
'out': ('SpVecAttributes',
('size', 'nnz', 'indices', 'values', 'idxType', 'idxBase',
cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpVecGet(cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr,
int64_t* size,
int64_t* nnz,
void** indices,
void** values,
cusparseIndexType_t* idxType,
cusparseIndexBase_t* idxBase,
cudaDataType* valueType);
cpdef SpVecAttributes spVecGet(size_t spVecDescr):
cdef int64_t size
cdef int64_t nnz
cdef void* indices
cdef void* values
cdef IndexType idxType
cdef IndexBase idxBase
cdef DataType valueType
status = cusparseSpVecGet(<SpVecDescr>spVecDescr, &size, &nnz, &indices, &values, &idxType, &idxBase, &valueType)
return SpVecAttributes(size, nnz, <intptr_t>indices, <intptr_t>values, idxType, idxBase, valueType)
<except?-option> ::= <exception-return-value>
<except-option> ::= <exception-return-value>
EXCEPT? and EXCEPT options give if the wrapper function has exception value declaration in its cpdef
statement to propagatge exceptions that occur inside it. They correspond to except?
and except
declaration respectively. EXCEPT? and EXCEPT options are required only when the directive's OUT option is set to SINGLE-OUT case. Otherwise, they must not be specified. The following shows cublasCreate
's directive, C declaration in its header, and generated wrapper function.
('cublasCreate_v2', {
'out': 'handle',
'except?': 0,
cublasCreate_v2 (cublasHandle_t *handle);
cpdef intptr_t create() except? 0:
<use-stream-option> ::= False (* DONT-USE case *)
| 'set' | ('set', <stream-setter-name>) (* SET case *)
| 'pass' (* PASS case *)
USE_STREAM option gives if the wrapper function uses the current stream on calling the CUDA function or not and how the CUDA function takes the stream. It has three cases: DONT-USE case, SET case, and PASS case. USE_STREAM option is required.
When False
is specified, the generated wrapper does nothing for the stream.
When 'set'
is specified, the generated wrapper sets the current stream before it calls the CUDA function. The following shows cublas<t>axpy
's directive, declaration in its C header and generated wrapper function.
('cublas<t>axpy_v2', {
'use_stream': 'set',
cublasSaxpy_v2 (cublasHandle_t handle,
int n,
const float *alpha,
const float *x,
int incx,
float *y,
int incy);
cpdef saxpy(intptr_t handle, int n, intptr_t alpha, intptr_t x, int incx, intptr_t y, int incy):
if stream_module.enable_current_stream:
setStream(handle, stream_module.get_current_stream_ptr())
status = cublasSaxpy_v2(<Handle>handle, n, <const float*>alpha, <const float*>x, incx, <float*>y, incy)
SET case has another form: a tuple with two elements that 'set'
and a string <stream-setter-name>
. With this form, the generated wrapper sets the current stream before it calls the CUDA function as the first form except that <stream-setter-name>
is used for the name of the function that sets the stream. The following shows cusolverSp<t>csrlsvchol
's directive, declaration in its C header, and generated wrapper function.
('cusolverSp<t>csrlsvchol', {
'use_stream': ('set', 'spSetStream'),
cusolverStatus_t CUSOLVERAPI cusolverSpScsrlsvchol(
cusolverSpHandle_t handle,
int m,
int nnz,
const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
const float *csrVal,
const int *csrRowPtr,
const int *csrColInd,
const float *b,
float tol,
int reorder,
float *x,
int *singularity);
cpdef scsrlsvchol(intptr_t handle, int m, int nnz, size_t descrA, intptr_t csrVal, intptr_t csrRowPtr, intptr_t csrColInd, intptr_t b, float tol, int reorder, intptr_t x, intptr_t singularity):
if stream_module.enable_current_stream:
spSetStream(handle, stream_module.get_current_stream_ptr())
status = cusolverSpScsrlsvchol(<SpHandle>handle, m, nnz, <const MatDescr>descrA, <const float*>csrVal, <const int*>csrRowPtr, <const int*>csrColInd, <const float*>b, tol, reorder, <float*>x, <int*>singularity)
When 'pass'
is specified, the generated wrapper passes the current stream to the CUDA function as one of its parameters. The CUDA function that takes 'pass'
for USE_STREAM option should have a parameter typed cudaStream_t