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Created December 19, 2023 14:11
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#include "InterfaceCAN.h"
#include "PinNames.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include <cstdint>
#error [NOT_SUPPORTED] CAN not supported for this target
CAN can(PB_8, PB_9, 1000 * 1000);
// 定数の定義
constexpr int16_t MAX_POWER = 600;
constexpr int16_t MIN_POWER = -600;
struct motor_param {
int16_t SET_SPEED;
int16_t speed;
int16_t power;
int16_t p_gain; // 比例ゲイン
int16_t i_gain; // 積分ゲイン
int16_t d_gain; // 微分ゲイン
int16_t err_last;
int16_t integral_err;
// PID制御の計算
void calculatePID() {
auto err = SET_SPEED - speed;
auto p_out = err / p_gain;
integral_err += err;
auto i_out = integral_err / i_gain;
auto d_out = (err - err_last) * d_gain;
power += p_out + i_out + d_out;
// 飽和処理
if (power > MAX_POWER) power = MAX_POWER;
else if (power < MIN_POWER) power = MIN_POWER;
// エラーの更新
err_last = err;
} motors[4];
Ticker flipper;
volatile bool newCanMessage = false;
void flip() {
for(auto& motor : motors) {
newCanMessage = true;
void processCANMessage(const CANMessage& msg) {
if ( >= 0x201 && <= 0x204) {
int motorIndex = - 0x201;
motors[motorIndex].speed = static_cast<int16_t>(([2] << 8) |[3]);
int main() {
printf("CAN Motor Control Initialized\n");
// モーターの初期化
for (auto& motor : motors) {
motor.p_gain = 50;
motor.i_gain = 10;
motor.d_gain = 4;
motor.err_last = 0;
motor.integral_err = 0;
flipper.attach(&flip, 2ms);
// モーターの目標速度設定
motors[0].SET_SPEED = 3000;
motors[1].SET_SPEED = 2000;
motors[2].SET_SPEED = 2000;
motors[3].SET_SPEED = 2000;
while (true) {
CANMessage rcv_msg;
if ( {
if (newCanMessage) {
unsigned char send_data[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
send_data[i * 2] = (motors[i].power >> 8) & 0xFF;
send_data[i * 2 + 1] = motors[i].power & 0xFF;
CANMessage send_msg(0x200, send_data, 8);
newCanMessage = false;
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