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Created March 17, 2024 10:11
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#include "InterfaceCAN.h"
#include "PinNames.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#error [NOT_SUPPORTED] CAN not supported for this target
double prev_input_UsinginputDelay;
double prev_output_UsinginputDelay;
double inputDelay(double input){
double output = 0.04761904761904762*input + 0.04761904761904762* prev_input_UsinginputDelay + 0.9047619047619048* prev_output_UsinginputDelay;
prev_input_UsinginputDelay = input;
prev_output_UsinginputDelay = output;
return output;
double deltaT = 4.0 / 1000;
double prev_error_speed;
double error_Integral_speed;
double Kp_speed = 6.5;
double Ki_speed = 0.0;
double Kd_speed = 0.0;
double PIDControl( double error){
error_Integral_speed = (error + prev_error_speed)/2 * deltaT;
double output = error*Kp_speed + error_Integral_speed*Ki_speed + (error - prev_error_speed)*Kd_speed;
prev_error_speed = error;
return output;
const double rpm2ampare = 0.29411764705882354;
double plantModel;
double prev_ampare;
double prev_output;
double Pm( double wantAmpare){
plantModel = 0.085 * wantAmpare + 0.085 * prev_ampare + 0.95 * prev_output;
prev_ampare = wantAmpare;
prev_output = plantModel;
return plantModel;
double prev_error_mec;
double Kp_mec = 1.0;
double Ki_mec = 0.0;
double Kd_mec = 0.0;
double Compensator( double error){
double output = Kp_mec*error + Kd_mec*(error - prev_error_mec);
prev_error_mec = error;
return output;
CAN can(PB_8, PB_9, 1000 * 1000);
namespace motor_param{
int16_t SET_SPEED;
int16_t speed;
int16_t power;
int16_t p_gain;
int16_t d_gain;
int16_t err_last;
// Constants and Variables
constexpr int16_t MAX_POWER = 16000;
constexpr int16_t MIN_POWER = -16000;
Ticker flipper;
volatile bool newCanMessage = false;
uint8_t motor_send_count = 0;
volatile bool motor_data_send_flag = false;
void calculatePID() {
double filteredRPM = inputDelay(500.0); //100.0 = target rpm
double needRPM = filteredRPM + PIDControl(filteredRPM - motor_param::speed);
double wantAmpare = needRPM * rpm2ampare;
double modelValue = Pm( wantAmpare);
double inputAmpare = wantAmpare + Compensator( modelValue - motor_param::speed);
motor_param::power = inputAmpare;
// // Saturation Logic
if (motor_param::power > MAX_POWER) motor_param::power = MAX_POWER;
if (motor_param::power < MIN_POWER) motor_param::power = MIN_POWER;
int counter_val = 0;
void flip() {
newCanMessage = true;
counter_val ++;
int main() {
flipper.attach(&flip, 4ms);
while (1) {
CANMessage rcv_msg;
if ( == 1) {
if ( == 0x201) {
motor_param::speed = static_cast<int16_t>(([2] << 8) |[3]);
if (newCanMessage) {
auto msg = CANMessage(); = 0x200;
msg.len = 8;[0] = (motor_param::power >> 8) & 0xff;[1] = motor_param::power & 0xff;
newCanMessage = false;
// if (counter_val > 3) {
// counter_val = 0;
// printf("%d",motor_param::speed);
// }
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