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Created July 28, 2018 08:48
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it need youtube-dl
# via proxy version
# curl | grep video | grep href | grep data-videoid | awk '{gsub(/data-videoid=[0-9]*/,"");print}' | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{gsub(/id\=\"/,"");gsub(/_/,"");gsub(/\"$/,"/");gsub(/^/,"");print}' | cat | while read LINE; do; youtube-dl -f mp4 --proxy [email protected]:[email protected]:6060 "${LINE}"; done;
# no proxy version
curl | grep video | grep href | grep data-videoid | awk '{gsub(/data-videoid=[0-9]*/,"");print}' | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{gsub(/id\=\"/,"");gsub(/_/,"");gsub(/\"$/,"/");gsub(/^/,"");print}' | cat | while read LINE; do; youtube-dl -f mp4 "${LINE}"; done;
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