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tcantenot / tri.c
Created November 23, 2024 10:49 — forked from cshenton/tri.c
Seeing how fast a d3d11 swapchain can go.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <d3d11_1.h>
#include <d3dcompiler.h>
tcantenot / main.c
Created March 7, 2024 09:31 — forked from mattiasgustavsson/main.c
Minimal code example for creating a window to plot pixels to
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "user32.lib" )
#pragma comment( lib, "gdi32.lib" )
#define SCRW 640
#define SCRH 480

From time to time I receive questions on the depth aware upsampling mentioned in the INSIDE-rendering presentation:

noisy blur

The goal of this technique is to take the texture-output from a half-resolution pass, containing the results of sampling volumetric fog - and scale it up to full resolution. This presents two challenges:

  • Making sure samples from the low-resolution buffer, do not spill on top of foreground objects in the high-resolution buffer
  • Making sure the samples in the volumetric fog can be properly accumulated by TAA after upsampling

Core Coding Standard

Coding practices are a source of a lot of arguments among programmers. Coding standards, to some degree, help us to put certain questions to bed and resolve stylistic debates. No coding standard makes everyone happy. (And even their existence is sure to make some unhappy.) What follows are the standards we put together on the Core team, which have become the general coding standard for all programming teams on new code development. We’ve tried to balance the need for creating a common, recognizable and readable code base with not unduly burdening the programmer with minor code formatting concerns.

Table Of Contents

tcantenot / raymarch.hlsl
Created May 2, 2023 13:41 — forked from h3r2tic/raymarch.hlsl
Depth buffer raymarching for contact shadows, SSGI, SSR, etc.
// Copyright (c) 2023 Tomasz Stachowiak
// This contribution is dual licensed under EITHER OF
// Apache License, Version 2.0, (
// MIT license (
// at your option.
#include "/inc/frame_constants.hlsl"
tcantenot /
Created April 24, 2023 19:19 — forked from JacquesLucke/
Utility to (un)register all classes in a Blender addon.
import os
import bpy
import sys
import typing
import inspect
import pkgutil
import importlib
from pathlib import Path
__all__ = (
tcantenot / MatCapTechniques.shader
Created January 30, 2022 13:58 — forked from bgolus/MatCapTechniques.shader
Showing multiple matcap techniques, including a proposed improved method that's no more expensive than the usual fix if you're starting with the world position and world normal.
Shader "Unlit/MatCap Techniques"
[NoScaleOffset] _MatCap ("MatCap", 2D) = "white" {}
[KeywordEnum(ViewSpaceNormal, ViewDirectionCross, ViewDirectionAligned)] _MatCapType ("Matcap UV Type", Float) = 2
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
tcantenot / PrefixSort.compute
Created January 25, 2021 10:15 — forked from dondragmer/PrefixSort.compute
An optimized GPU counting sort
#pragma use_dxc //enable SM 6.0 features, in Unity this is only supported on version 2020.2.0a8 or later with D3D12 enabled
#pragma kernel CountTotalsInBlock
#pragma kernel BlockCountPostfixSum
#pragma kernel CalculateOffsetsForEachKey
#pragma kernel FinalSort
uint _FirstBitToSort;
int _NumElements;
int _NumBlocks;
bool _ShouldSortPayload;
tcantenot / PerfectHash.cpp
Created January 24, 2021 13:47 — forked from dwilliamson/PerfectHash.cpp
Trivial perfect hash generator that uses only a single array for runtime lookup with next to no ALU. Very good for small table sizes (e.g. < 128). Very bad for larger table sizes. This has been quickly "STL-ified" to remove use of my own containers.
uint32_t NextPow2(uint32_t v)
v |= (v >> 1);
v |= (v >> 2);
v |= (v >> 4);
v |= (v >> 8);
v |= (v >> 16);
tcantenot / CuteSort.hlsl
Created December 5, 2020 13:11 — forked from dondragmer/CuteSort.hlsl
A very fast GPU sort for sorting values within a wavefront
Buffer<uint> Input;
RWBuffer<uint> Output;
//returns the index that this value should be moved to to sort the array
uint CuteSort(uint value, uint laneIndex)
uint smallerValuesMask = 0;
uint equalValuesMask = ~0;
//don't need to test every bit if your value is constrained to a smaller range