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Diving into pods

Tamim Hamoudi thamudi

Diving into pods
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AtulKsol /
Last active December 28, 2024 02:23
Commands to backup & restore database
  1. pg_dump is a nifty utility designed to output a series of SQL statements that describes the schema and data of your database. You can control what goes into your backup by using additional flags.
    Backup: pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d mydb > backup.sql

    Restore: psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d mydb < backup.sql

    -h is for host.
    -p is for port.
    -U is for username.
    -d is for database.

pwenzel /
Created October 23, 2012 15:16
Internet Radio Streams Via Command Line
# 1. Install mplayer command line (via Brew, Macports, or APT)
# 2. Add the following aliases to ~/.profile
# 3. Type `source ~/.profile`
# 3. Type `news` or `current` to listen in your terminal
alias news="mplayer -playlist" # MPR News
alias current="mplayer -playlist" # The Current
alias classical="mplayer -playlist" # Classical MPR
alias localcurrent="mplayer -playlist" # Local Current
alias heartland="mplayer -playlist" # MPR Radio Heartland