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Last active December 24, 2020 01:11
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A matrix multiplication benchmark.
# Benchmark for measuring matrix multiplication speed, Martin Nilsson, Rise SICS
# relevant for certain Machine Learning tasks v1.0 2017-11-21
# v1.1 Theodore Vasiloudis (PyTortch solution)
# ====================================================
# Run by:
# python3 10000
# to measure squaring a 10000 x 10000 random matrix.
# Weirdly enough K80 and Titan X get different results prolly something to do with numerical accuracy.
from numpy.random import seed, randn
from numpy import float32, float64
from time import process_time, perf_counter
from sys import argv, maxsize
from platform import uname, python_version
import torch
def multiplytest(n):
# Choose precision here (standard is float64, NOT float32!)
a = randn(n, n).astype(float64)
print('Size of matrix ({0} x {0}): {1:.0f}MB'.format(n, a.nbytes/1e6))
# Convert to PyTorch Tensor and copy to GPU
a = torch.Tensor(a).cuda()
# Perform measurement
t0 = process_time()
t1 = perf_counter()
b =, a.t()) # Calls is async so this doesn't really measure much.
t0 = process_time() - t0
t1 = perf_counter() - t1
# Print timing results
# The time is cubic in n unless the system implements Strassen-type
# matrix multiplication (but BLAS implementations usually don't).
print('{0:.3f}s process time (total for all cores)'.format(t0))
print('{0:.3f}s perf time (elapsed time)'.format(t1))
# Print general computer info
u = uname()
print('Operating system:', u.system, 'release', u.release + ',',
'64-bit,' if (maxsize > 2**31 - 1) else '32-bit;',
'Python version', python_version(),
'\nCPU:', u.processor)
from psutil import cpu_count, virtual_memory, cpu_freq
cpu_count(logical=False), 'physical,',
cpu_count(logical=True), 'logical;',
'RAM: {0:.3f}GB total'.format(virtual_memory().total/1e9))
print('Current CPU frequency: {0:.3f}GHz'.format(cpu_freq().current/1e3))
print('(Install psutil to find more details!')
print(' You may have to do \'sudo apt-get install python-dev\'')
print(' or similarly before \'pip install psutil\'.)')
# System specific information
if u.system == 'Windows':
from subprocess import check_output
info = check_output('wmic cpu get name').decode().split()[1:]
print(' '.join(info))
elif u.system == 'Linux':
from platform import linux_distribution
print('Distribution: {0} {1}'.format(*linux_distribution()))
from re import sub
from subprocess import check_output
info = check_output('cat /proc/cpuinfo', shell=True).decode().split('\n')
for line in info:
if 'model name' in line:
info = sub( '.*odel name.*:', '', line, 1)
for line in info:
if 'ardware' in line:
info += ', ' + sub( '.*ardware.*:', '', line, 1)
elif u.system == 'Darwin':
from platform import mac_ver
m = mac_ver()
print('Release {0},'.format(m.release),
'version {1},'.format(m.versioninfo),
'machine {2}'.format(m.machine))
# Sanity check - returned value should be approximately 1.0
from numpy.linalg import norm
b = b.cpu().numpy() # Copy back to main memory and convert to Numpy
for j in range(n):
b[j,j] -= n
return norm(b)**2/n**3
# On Titan X: .0.99979501050625
# on K80: .9972694914682851
# For calling from command line
if __name__=='__main__':
if len(argv) == 2:
print("Returned value: {}".format(multiplytest(int(argv[1]))))
print("Returned value: {}".format(multiplytest(10000)))
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