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Last active December 12, 2024 01:18
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resize-java-iKVM-viewer: find all supermicro Java iKVM Viewer windows and resize them to display all the content
# find all supermicro Java iKVM Viewer windows and resize
# them to display all the content
# for reasons that are beyond sanity, this shitty closed source program
# sets the min and max window sizes to the same values, making it unresizable
# through dragging.
# this wouldn't be so bad if it actually resized the window to display all
# the content. it constantly resizes based on the resolution of the
# remote display.
# bind this program to a hot key or create a panel icon or something
# to invoke when the iKVM viewer is the wrong size. it will loop
# over all iKVM windows and set their size based on the reported
# resolution
for winid in $( wmctrl -l | grep -iE 'Java iKVM Viewer.+(Resolution.+FPS|No Signal)' | awk '{ print $1 }' ); do
read width x height < <( wmctrl -l |
grep $winid |
grep -iE 'Java iKVM Viewer.+Resolution' |
sed -e 's/^.\+Resolution //; s/ - F.\+$//;'
if [[ -z "$width" || -z "$height" ]]; then
xprop -id $winid -remove WM_NORMAL_HINTS
wmctrl -i -r $winid -e 0,-1,-1,$(( width + 10 )),$(( height + 30 ))
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kapolos commented Aug 27, 2018

This script ... saved some of my hair from getting pulled out ☂️

# for reasons that are beyond sanity, this shitty closed source program

Couldn't have been said better.

If you ever visit Crete, I will be very happy to buy you a ton of raki 🍷 Thank you!

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This script is great. Thank you for your work!


Sigh. Thank you so much! I too was beginning to tear out the little hair that's left. It's a shame this is even needed, but it think it represents the overall software quality at Supermicro. For example their Java SOL Viewer prints the user password to the console in clear text. m)

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BtbN commented Mar 16, 2021

Options->Preference->Window->Untick Auto-resize Window

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oh bless you for that nugget of information.

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bodik commented Sep 15, 2022

Options->Preference->Window->Untick Auto-resize Window

thank you @BtbN

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