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Last active May 8, 2023 12:25
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+++ categories = ['hax'] date = '2021-08-12' description = 'Generate deterministic passwords on the command line' slug = 'deterministic-passwords' title = 'Generate deterministic passwords on the command line' +++

Simple method for creating deterministic passwords on the commandline

This is a simple shell function that uses openssl to create a unique password for any website / service using a master password salt.


> pass
_1vvfamnYcHegiXn0uAL2n1. is now in your clipboard for

Your twitter password is now in your clipboard ready to paste.


Add this function to your .bashrc or .zshrc file. On MacOS replace xclip with pbcopy.

zsh on linux:

pass() { _p=$(openssl passwd -1 -salt $(read -s '_pass?Password: ' && echo $_pass) "$1" | awk -F$ '{print "_1"$NF}') && echo "$_p is now in your clipboard for $1." && echo $_p | xclip -selection clipboard }

bash on linux:

pass() { _p=$(openssl passwd -1 -salt $(read -s -p 'Password: ' _pass && echo $_pass) "$1" | awk -F$ '{print "_1"$NF}') && echo "$_p is now in your clipboard for $1." && echo $_p | xclip -selection clipboard }
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