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Thomas Junghans tjunghans

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tjunghans / action-types.ts
Created September 16, 2024 12:02
React Reducer
export enum ActionType {
tjunghans / is-valid-port-number.ts
Created July 25, 2024 10:20
Typescript function to check if a given value is a valid port number
const isPortnumber = (value: number): boolean => {
return value >= 0 && value <= 65535;
const isValidPortnumber = (value: unknown): value is number => {
if (typeof value === "number") {
return isPortnumber(value);
tjunghans /
Created February 8, 2024 13:31
Count / collect tagged git commits for a year
On xyz master branch run the following to get the count for the year 2024.
git log --format="%h %an %Cgreen%as%Creset %d" --first-parent --tags --no-walk | grep -c -e '2024'
Omit “-c” to list the entries for 2024:
git log --format="%h %an %Cgreen%as%Creset %d" --first-parent --tags --no-walk | grep -e '2024'
tjunghans / react-query.js
Created January 29, 2024 20:39
react-query Jest Mock
// Place this file inside <projectRoot>/__mocks__/react-query.js
export const useQuery = jest
.mockReturnValue({ data: {}, isLoading: false, error: {} });
export class QueryClient {}
tjunghans / component-mock.tsx
Created January 9, 2024 12:53
React Component Mock
import React, { type DetailedHTMLProps, type HTMLAttributes } from "react";
export const createComponentMock = <
T extends DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>
componentName: string
) => {
const fakeComponent = (props: T) => (
<div data-testid={componentName} {...props} />
tjunghans / react-component-with-use-effect.tsx
Last active April 1, 2023 13:44
Example of a functional React component with useEffect and the AbortController to cancel an async operation
// See for the definition of `doSomethingAsync`.
function MyComponent({ someprop }) {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState("");
React.useEffect(() => {
// Create an instance of the AbortController that will
// be used to abort in the useEffect return.
const controller = new AbortController();
tjunghans / asynchronous-fn-with-abort.ts
Last active April 1, 2023 13:44
Example of an asynchronous function that returns a promise which can be cancelled using the AbortController
// The implementation below is inspired by the [example](
// that shows how a fetch operation can be aborted using the signal option.
// See for an example on how `doSomethingAsync` is used.
function doSomethingAsync(
// payload can be anything. It's just an example
{ signal }: { signal?: AbortSignal } = {}
): Promise<any> {
// Abort immediately if `abort` was already called.
tjunghans / .editorconfig
Created March 17, 2023 22:22
# EditorConfig is awesome:
root = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 2
insert_final_newline = true
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { readdir, writeFile } = require("fs");
const { promisify } = require("util");
function createDirEntry(dir) {
return { name: dir, path: `packages/node_modules/${dir}` };
function createProjectCodeWorkspaceContents(dirs) {
tjunghans /
Created November 23, 2021 10:52
ESM Default exports

This is something a think about a lot. I a while ago I browsed the Pure ESM package gist by Sindresorhus and there's one point When should I use a default export or named exports?.

He suggests:

My general rule is that if something exports a single main thing, it should be a default export.

There's also this:

Why use default exports at all? Simplify usage: Having a default export simplifies import when the person importing the module just wants the obvious thing from there. There’s simply less syntax and typing to do.