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Last active April 1, 2023 13:44
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Example of an asynchronous function that returns a promise which can be cancelled using the AbortController
// The implementation below is inspired by the [example](
// that shows how a fetch operation can be aborted using the signal option.
// See for an example on how `doSomethingAsync` is used.
function doSomethingAsync(
// payload can be anything. It's just an example
{ signal }: { signal?: AbortSignal } = {}
): Promise<any> {
// Abort immediately if `abort` was already called.
// The definition of `AbortException` is further down.
if (signal?.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(new AbortException());
// Using a promise, but it could also be a callback.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Create the handler with the call to reject
const abortHandler = () => {
reject(new AbortException());
// setTimeout is used as an example of an async operation.
setTimeout(() => {
// Remove the event handler on success.
signal?.removeEventListener("abort", abortHandler);
}, 1000);
// Add the signal abort handler
signal?.addEventListener("abort", abortHandler);
// AbortException would normally live in its own file.
class AbortException extends DOMException {
constructor() {
super("Aborted", "AbortError");
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