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mala / gist:fad5e0bc8a82a9c0fc9d
Last active December 29, 2016 18:02
AFNetworking 2.5.2 以下の脆弱性について




AFNetworking 2.5.1 にMITM攻撃を許す脆弱性があり、2.5.2で修正された、 と報道されていますが、これは誤りです。

abdullin / ddd-in-golang.markdown
Last active October 10, 2023 00:46
DDD in golang

This is my response to an email asking about Domain-Driven Design in golang project.

Thank you for getting in touch. Below you will find my thoughts on how golang works with DDD, changing it. This is merely a perception of how things worked out for us in a single project.

That project has a relatively well-known domain. My colleagues on this project are very knowledgeable, thoughtful and invested in quality design. The story spelled out below is a result of countless hours spent discussing and refining the approach.

Conclusions could be very different, if there was a different project, team or a story-teller.

Short story

gakuzzzz / gist:8d497609012863b3ea50
Last active January 12, 2021 12:50
Scalaz勉強会 主要な型クラスの紹介
kevinwright /
Last active November 16, 2024 17:40
Scaladays 2014 slides

As compiled by Kevin Wright a.k.a @thecoda

(executive producer of the movie, and I didn't even know it... clever huh?)

please, please, please - If you know of any slides/code/whatever not on here, then ping me on twitter or comment this Gist!

This gist will be updated as and when I find new information. So it's probably best not to fork it, or you'll miss the updates!

Monday June 16th

import twirl.sbt.TwirlPlugin._
lazy val baseSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ ScalatraPlugin.scalatraWithJRebel ++ herokuSettings ++ Seq(
// same ...
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature")
) ++ Twirl.settings
gakuzzzz /
Last active October 29, 2019 06:19
「Javaで継続モナド」をScalaに翻訳/Scala Advent Calendar 2013


この記事はScala Advent Calendar 2013の7日目の記事です。

昨日は @shogogg さんのScala + sbt-android + IntelliJ で快適Androidアプリ開発でした。

明日は @takezoux2 さんのScalaのParserCombinator実践入門+です。

継続モナドを調べていたら、@terazzo さんのJavaで継続モナドという記事が非常に判りやすかったんですが、サンプルコードがJavaのボイラープレートの嵐でちょっと読むのが辛い感じだったのでScalaで翻訳してみました、というのがこの記事です。

fabriceleal / gist:7803969
Last active February 22, 2024 09:21
Decent enough macro for exporting csvs from Excel.
' - change integer to long indexing
' - output utf8 content
Sub QuoteCommaExport()
' Dimension all variables.
Dim DestFile As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
halcat0x15a /
Last active March 19, 2024 03:30






Mortimerp9 / readerwithtooling.scala
Created April 14, 2013 22:14
An implementation of the Reader Monad in scala, with correct type variance and some implicit utils to simplify the daily use of Readers, In particular with Future.
* A monad to abstract dependencies in the code, see
object Reader {
* an implicit to convert a function A => B in a Reader[A, B]
implicit def reader[C, R](block: C => R): Reader[C, R] = Reader(block)
wfaler / cake-pattern-example.scala
Created October 22, 2012 16:57
// simple example of the cake pattern
// abstract DAO trait
trait Repository[A, B]{
// saves an entity, returns an ID
def save(entity: A): B
// more features..
trait RdbmsRepository extends Repository[MyUserCaseClass, Long]{