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using Turing, Bijectors, ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra, Optim, LineSearches | |
import StatsBase: sample | |
import Optim: optimize | |
############# | |
# Utilities # | |
############# | |
function jac_inv_transform(dist::Distribution, x::T where T<:Real) | |
ForwardDiff.derivative(x -> invlink(dist, x), x) | |
end | |
function jac_inv_transform(dist::Distribution, x::Array{T} where T <: Real) | |
ForwardDiff.jacobian(x -> invlink(dist, x), x) | |
end | |
function center_diag_gaussian(x, μ, σ) | |
# instead of creating a diagonal matrix, we just do elementwise multiplication | |
(σ .^(-1)) .* (x - μ) | |
end | |
function center_diag_gaussian_inv(η, μ, σ) | |
(η .* σ) + μ | |
end | |
######################### | |
# Variational Inference # | |
######################### | |
abstract type VariationalInference end | |
""" | |
sample(vi::VariationalInference, num_samples) | |
Produces `num_samples` samples for the given VI method using number of samples equal to `num_samples`. | |
""" | |
function sample(vi::VariationalInference, num_samples) end | |
""" | |
elbo(vi::VariationalInference, num_samples) | |
Computes empirical estimates of ELBO for the given VI method using number of samples equal to `num_samples`. | |
""" | |
function elbo(vi::VariationalInference, num_samples) end | |
""" | |
optimize(vi::VariationalInference) | |
Finds parameters which maximizes the ELBO for the given VI method. | |
""" | |
function optimize(vi::VariationalInference) end | |
""" | |
ADVI(model::Turing.Model) | |
Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) for a given model. | |
""" | |
struct ADVI{T <: Real} <: VariationalInference | |
model::Turing.Model | |
μ::Vector{T} | |
ω::Vector{T} | |
end | |
ADVI(model::Turing.Model) = begin | |
# setup | |
var_info = Turing.VarInfo() | |
model(var_info, Turing.SampleFromUniform()) | |
num_params = size(var_info.vals, 1) | |
ADVI(model, zeros(num_params), zeros(num_params)) | |
end | |
function sample(vi::ADVI, num_samples) | |
# setup | |
var_info = Turing.VarInfo() | |
vi.model(var_info, Turing.SampleFromUniform()) | |
num_params = size(var_info.vals, 1) | |
# convenience | |
μ, ω = vi.μ, vi.ω | |
# buffer | |
samples = zeros(num_samples, num_params) | |
for i = 1:size(var_info.dists, 1) | |
prior = var_info.dists[i] | |
r = var_info.ranges[i] | |
# initials | |
μ_i = μ[r] | |
ω_i = ω[r] | |
# # sample from VI posterior | |
θ_acc = zeros(length(μ_i)) | |
for j = 1:num_samples | |
η = randn(length(μ_i)) | |
ζ = center_diag_gaussian_inv(η, μ_i, exp.(ω_i)) | |
θ = invlink(prior, ζ) | |
samples[j, r] = θ | |
end | |
end | |
return samples | |
end | |
function optimize(vi::ADVI; samples_per_step = 10, max_iters = 500) | |
# setup | |
var_info = Turing.VarInfo() | |
vi.model(var_info, Turing.SampleFromUniform()) | |
num_params = size(var_info.vals, 1) | |
function objective(x) | |
# extract the mean-field Gaussian params | |
μ, ω = x[1:num_params], x[num_params + 1: end] | |
- elbo(vi, μ, ω, samples_per_step) | |
end | |
# for every param we need a mean μ and variance ω | |
x = zeros(2 * num_params) | |
diff_result = DiffResults.GradientResult(x) | |
# used for truncated adaGrad as suggested in (Blei et al, 2015). | |
η = 0.1 | |
τ = 1.0 | |
ρ = zeros(2 * num_params) | |
s = zeros(2 * num_params) | |
g² = zeros(2 * num_params) | |
# number of previous gradients to use to compute `s` in adaGrad | |
stepsize_num_prev = 10 | |
i = 0 | |
while (i < max_iters) # & converged # <= add criterion? A running mean maybe? | |
# compute gradient | |
ForwardDiff.gradient!(diff_result, objective, x) | |
# recursive implementation of updating the step-size | |
# if beyound first sequence of steps we subtract of the previous g² before adding the next | |
if i > stepsize_num_prev | |
s -= g² | |
end | |
# update parameters for adaGrad | |
g² .= DiffResults.gradient(diff_result).^2 | |
s += g² | |
# compute stepsize | |
@. ρ = η / (τ + sqrt(s)) | |
x .= x - ρ .* DiffResults.gradient(diff_result) | |
@info "Step $i" ρ DiffResults.value(diff_result) norm(DiffResults.gradient(diff_result)) | |
i += 1 | |
end | |
μ, ω = x[1:num_params], x[num_params + 1: end] | |
return μ, ω | |
end | |
function elbo(vi::ADVI, μ::Vector{T}, ω::Vector{T}, num_samples) where T <: Real | |
# setup | |
var_info = Turing.VarInfo() | |
# initial `Var_Info` object | |
vi.model(var_info, Turing.SampleFromUniform()) | |
num_params = size(var_info.vals, 1) | |
elbo_acc = 0.0 | |
for i = 1:num_samples | |
# iterate through priors, sample and update | |
for i = 1:size(var_info.dists, 1) | |
prior = var_info.dists[i] | |
r = var_info.ranges[i] | |
# mean-field params for this set of model params | |
μ_i = μ[r] | |
ω_i = ω[r] | |
# obtain samples from mean-field posterior approximation | |
η = randn(length(μ_i)) | |
ζ = center_diag_gaussian_inv(η, μ_i, exp.(ω_i)) | |
# inverse-transform back to original param space | |
θ = invlink(prior, ζ) | |
# update | |
var_info.vals[r] = θ | |
# add the log-det-jacobian of inverse transform | |
elbo_acc += log(abs(det(jac_inv_transform(prior, ζ)))) / num_samples | |
end | |
# sample with updated variables | |
vi.model(var_info) | |
elbo_acc += var_info.logp / num_samples | |
end | |
# add the term for the entropy of the variational posterior | |
variational_posterior_entropy = sum(ω) | |
elbo_acc += variational_posterior_entropy | |
elbo_acc | |
end | |
function elbo(vi::ADVI, num_samples) | |
# extract the mean-field Gaussian params | |
μ, ω = vi.μ, vi.ω | |
elbo(vi, μ, ω, num_samples) | |
end | |
################## | |
# Simple example # | |
################## | |
@model demo(x) = begin | |
s ~ InverseGamma(2,3) | |
m ~ Normal(0.0, sqrt(s)) # `Normal(μ, σ)` has mean μ and variance σ², i.e. parametrize with std. not variance | |
for i = 1:length(x) | |
x[i] ~ Normal(m, sqrt(s)) | |
end | |
end | |
# generate data | |
x = randn(1, 1000); | |
# produce "true" samples using NUTS | |
m = demo(x) | |
chain = sample(m, NUTS(2000, 200, 0.65)) | |
# ADVI | |
m = demo(x) | |
vi = ADVI(m) # default construction of ADVI | |
μ, ω = optimize(vi, samples_per_step = 5, max_iters = 5000) # maximize ELBO | |
vi = ADVI(m, μ, ω) # construct new from optimized values | |
samples = sample(vi, 2000) | |
# quick check | |
println([mean(samples, dims=1), [var(x), mean(x)]]) | |
# closed form | |
using ConjugatePriors | |
# prior | |
# notation mapping has been verified by explicitly computing expressions | |
# in "Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution" by Murphy | |
μ₀ = 0.0 # => μ | |
κ₀ = 1.0 # => ν, which scales the precision of the Normal | |
α₀ = 2.0 # => "shape" | |
β₀ = 3.0 # => "rate", which is 1 / θ, where θ is "scale" | |
pri = NormalGamma(μ₀, κ₀, α₀, β₀) | |
# posterior | |
post = posterior(pri, Normal, x) | |
# marginal distribution of τ = 1 / σ² | |
# Eq. (90) in "Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution" by Murphy | |
# `scale(post)` = θ | |
p_τ = Gamma(post.shape, scale(post)) | |
p_σ²_pdf = z -> pdf(p_τ, 1 / z) # τ => 1 / σ² | |
# marginal of μ | |
# Eq. (91) in "Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution" by Murphy | |
p_μ = TDist(2 * post.shape) | |
μₙ = post.mu # μ → μ | |
κₙ = post.nu # κ → ν | |
αₙ = post.shape # α → shape | |
βₙ = post.rate # β → rate | |
# numerically more stable but doesn't seem to have effect; issue is probably internal to | |
# `pdf` which needs to compute ≈ Γ(1000) | |
p_μ_pdf = z -> exp(logpdf(p_μ, (z - μₙ) * exp(- 0.5 * log(βₙ) + 0.5 * log(αₙ) + 0.5 * log(κₙ)))) | |
# p_μ_pdf1 = z -> pdf(p_μ, (z - μₙ) / √(βₙ / (αₙ * κₙ))) | |
################# | |
# Visualization # | |
################# | |
# visualize | |
using Plots, StatsPlots, LaTeXStrings | |
pyplot() | |
p1 = plot(); | |
density!(samples[:, 1], label = "s (ADVI)", color = :blue, linestyle = :dash) | |
histogram!(samples[:, 1], label = "", normed = true, alpha = 0.3, color = :blue); | |
density!([chain[:s].value...], label = "s (NUTS)", color = :green, linestyle = :dashdot) | |
histogram!([chain[:s].value...], label = "", normed = true, color = :green, alpha = 0.3) | |
# normalize using Riemann approx. because of (almost certainly) numerical issues | |
Δ = 0.001 | |
r = 0.75:0.001:1.25 | |
norm_const = sum(p_σ²_pdf.(r) .* Δ) | |
plot!(r, p_σ²_pdf, label = "s (posterior)", color = :red); | |
vline!([var(x)], label = "s (data)", linewidth = 1.5, color = :black, alpha = 0.7) | |
xlims!(0.5, 1.5) | |
title!(L"$x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ for $i = 1,\dots,1000$") | |
p2 = plot() | |
density!(samples[:, 2], label = "m (ADVI)", color = :blue, linestyle = :dash) | |
histogram!(samples[:, 2], label = "", normed = true, alpha = 0.3, color = :blue) | |
density!([chain[:m].value...], label = "m (NUTS)", color = :green, linestyle = :dashdot) | |
histogram!([chain[:m].value...], label = "", normed = true, color = :green, alpha = 0.3) | |
# normalize using Riemann approx. because of (almost certainly) numerical issues | |
Δ = 0.0001 | |
r = -0.1 + mean(x):Δ:0.1 + mean(x) | |
norm_const = sum(p_μ_pdf.(r) .* Δ) | |
plot!(r, z -> p_μ_pdf(z) / norm_const, label = "m (posterior)", color = :red); | |
vline!([mean(x)], label = "m (data)", linewidth = 1.5, color = :black, alpha = 0.7) | |
xlims!(-0.25, 0.25) | |
p = plot(p1, p2; layout = (2, 1)) | |
savefig(p, "advi_proper.png") |
Added closed form posterior for comparison, though have to use a temporary "work-around" numerical issues. Probably due to internal computations using gamma-function for large values. Would be interesting to into further.
Also, this snippet has gotten to a point where it might be suitable for a standalone project. But oh well.
Using Optim.jl
with GradientDescent
and LineSearches.BackTracking(order=3)
would at times fail (line-search would reach maximum iterations). As mentioned before Optim.jl
is not made for stochastic optimization. Though when it did converge, the results were really good.
Therefore, for consistency of experiments, I've now changed to using a manual implementation of AdaGrad
. This at least produce consistent results across runs, in contrast to using Optim.jl
. Will be interesting to explore the use of optimization algorithm in the future.
[1] Kucukelbir, A., Ranganath, R., Gelman, A., & Blei, D. M., Automatic variational inference in stan, CoRR, (), (2015).
I've made it so that we instead get an empirical estimate of the distribution using the
estimate, rather than a point-estimate as before. Added comparison with NUTS.I'll look into the closed form expression you mentioned as a point of comparison next.