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Last active September 19, 2020 00:09
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An example of how to use TensorboardLogging.jl to log certain statistics during sampling in Turing.jl
using Turing
using TensorBoardLogger, Logging
using OnlineStats # used to compute different statistics on-the-fly
using StatsBase # Provides us with the `Histogram` which is supported by `TensorBoardLogger.jl`
using LinearAlgebra
using DataStructures # will use a `CircularBuffer` to only keep track of some `n` last samples
struct TBCallback
function TBCallback(dir::String)
# Set up the logger
lg = TBLogger(dir, min_level=Logging.Info; step_increment=0)
return TBCallback(lg)
make_estimator(cb::TBCallback, num_bins::Int) = OnlineStats.Series(
Mean(), # Online estimator for the mean
Variance(), # Online estimator for the variance
KHist(num_bins) # Online estimator of a histogram with `100` bins
make_buffer(cb::TBCallback, window::Int) = CircularBuffer{Float64}(window)
# Convenience method for taking a histogram with centers to edges
function centers_to_edges(centers)
# Find the midpoint between the nearby centers.
intermediate = map(2:length(centers)) do i
# Pick the left mid-point
(centers[i] + centers[i - 1]) / 2
# Left-most point
Δ_l = (centers[2] - centers[1]) / 2
leftmost = centers[1] - Δ_l
# Right-most point
Δ_r = (centers[end] - centers[end - 1]) / 2
rightmost = centers[end] + Δ_r
return vcat([leftmost], intermediate, [rightmost])
function make_callback(
spl::Turing.InferenceAlgorithm, # used to extract sampler-specific parameters in the future
num_bins::Int = 100,
window::Int = min(num_samples, 1_000),
window_num_bins::Int = 50
lg = cb.logger
# Lookups
estimators = Dict{String, typeof(make_estimator(cb, num_bins))}()
buffers = Dict{String, typeof(make_buffer(cb, window))}()
return function callback(rng, model, sampler, transition, iteration)
with_logger(lg) do
for (vals, ks) in values(transition.θ)
for (k, val) in zip(ks, vals)
if !haskey(estimators, k)
estimators[k] = make_estimator(cb, num_bins)
est = estimators[k]
if !haskey(buffers, k)
buffers[k] = make_buffer(cb, window)
buffer = buffers[k]
# Log the raw value
@info k val
# Update buffer and estimator
push!(buffer, val)
fit!(est, val)
mean, variance, hist_raw = value(est)
# Need some iterations before we start showing the stats
if iteration > 10
# Convert `OnlineStats.KHist` to `StatsBase.Histogram`
edges = centers_to_edges(hist_raw.centers)
cnts = hist_raw.counts ./ sum(hist_raw.counts)
hist = Histogram(edges, cnts, :left, true)
# `normalize` ensures the `Histogram` sums to 1
hist_window = normalize(fit(
Histogram, collect(buffer);
nbins = window_num_bins
), mode = :density)
@info "$k" mean
@info "$k" var
@info "$k" hist
@info "$k" hist_window
# Because the `Distribution` and `Histogram` functionality in
# TB is quite crude, we additionally log "later" values to provide
# a slightly more useful view of the later samples in the chain.
# TODO: make this, say, 25% of the total number of iterations
if iteration > 0.25 * num_samples
@info "$k/late" mean
@info "$k/late" var
@info "$k/late" hist
@info "$k/late" hist_window
# Increment the step
@info "log joint prob" DynamicPPL.getlogp(transition) log_step_increment=1
# TODO: log additional sampler stats, e.g. rejection rate, numerical_errors
### Example ###
@model function demo(x)
s ~ InverseGamma(2, 3)
m ~ Normal(0, √s)
for i in eachindex(x)
x[i] ~ Normal(m, √s)
xs = randn(100) .+ 1;
model = demo(xs);
# Number of MCMC samples/steps
num_samples = 50_000
# Sampling algorithm to use
alg = NUTS(0.65)
# Create the callback
callback = make_callback(TBCallback("tensorboard_logs/run"), alg, num_samples)
# Sample
sample(model, alg, num_samples; callback = callback)
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Some pictures of what it looks like during sampling:

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