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Created January 23, 2014 17:11
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import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import itertools
## We define each S* motif as a directed graph in networkx
motifs = {
'S1': nx.DiGraph([(1,2),(2,3)]),
'S2': nx.DiGraph([(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)]),
'S3': nx.DiGraph([(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)]),
'S4': nx.DiGraph([(1,2),(3,2)]),
'S5': nx.DiGraph([(1,2),(1,3)])
def mcounter(gr, mo):
"""Counts motifs in a directed graph
:param gr: A ``DiGraph`` object
:param mo: A ``dict`` of motifs to count
:returns: A ``dict`` with the number of each motifs, with the same keys as ``mo``
This function is actually rather simple. It will extract all 3-grams from
the original graph, and look for isomorphisms in the motifs contained
in a dictionary. The returned object is a ``dict`` with the number of
times each motif was found.::
>>> print mcounter(gr, mo)
{'S1': 4, 'S3': 0, 'S2': 1, 'S5': 0, 'S4': 3}
#This function will take each possible subgraphs of gr of size 3, then
#compare them to the mo dict using .subgraph() and is_isomorphic
#This line simply creates a dictionary with 0 for all values, and the
#motif names as keys
mcount = dict(zip(mo.keys(), list(map(int, np.zeros(len(mo))))))
nodes = gr.nodes()
#We use iterools.product to have all combinations of three nodes in the
#original graph. Then we filter combinations with non-unique nodes, because
#the motifs do not account for self-consumption.
triplets = list(itertools.product(*[nodes, nodes, nodes]))
triplets = [trip for trip in triplets if len(list(set(trip))) == 3]
triplets = map(list, map(np.sort, triplets))
u_triplets = []
[u_triplets.append(trip) for trip in triplets if not u_triplets.count(trip)]
#The for each each of the triplets, we (i) take its subgraph, and compare
#it to all fo the possible motifs
for trip in u_triplets:
sub_gr = gr.subgraph(trip)
mot_match = map(lambda mot_id: nx.is_isomorphic(sub_gr, mo[mot_id]), motifs.keys())
match_keys = [mo.keys()[i] for i in xrange(len(mo)) if mot_match[i]]
if len(match_keys) == 1:
mcount[match_keys[0]] += 1
return mcount
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