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mendoza /
Created January 10, 2020 06:43
Just a quick README template

[Repo name] made with ❤️,☕ and some 🍺

[here we add the necesary badges, here are the ones I say we always need]

License Issues forks stars size

[short description of the repo]

this app is made for myself

ryo-ARAKI / starship.toml
Last active February 23, 2025 11:52
Starship configuration file
# ~/.config/starship.toml
full_symbol = "🔋"
charging_symbol = "🔌"
discharging_symbol = ""
threshold = 30
style = "bold red"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage: tweetsplit.rb < tweetstorm.txt
# Sam Stephenson / 2017-05-29
# Tweet-sized version:
# puts $<.read.split(/\s+/).reduce(nil){|(*cs,c),w|n=[c,w].compact*" ";cs+(n.size>140?[c,w]:[n])}*"\n"
def chunks_for(words, chunk_size)
egmontkob /
Last active February 26, 2025 13:54
Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators
Azgaar / .block
Last active December 18, 2024 09:23
Fantasy Map Generator
license: gpl-3.0
height: 570
border: no

Follow the dirty money

A shady Internet business has been discovered.

The website has been made public by a whistle blower. We have enough evidence about the dirty deals they did. But to charge them we need to get hands on precise numbers about the transactions that happened on their platform.

Unfortunately no record of the transactions could be seized so far. The only hint we have is this one transaction:

As I approach the electronic being, it springs to life. From its dark mask, scanning beams emerge that envelop me. There is a unnerving chittering sound and then, unbelievably, it speaks in my language.
It offers me a choice. It can show me how to harness black holes, in order to embark upon a journey to the centre of the galaxy. It can light my way to an Atlas Interface, so I may follow a path. Or it will assist me in my own exploration.
Rare linguistic form. Pleasure! Nada, divergent Korvax. Assistance offered. Route to galactic core? Reconnect with Atlas for guidance? Resources for journey? Yes/no?
gitFurious / gist:cff8a09f244d7c880e8554b2f0b4efa5
Created August 15, 2016 13:35
No scan technology installed
Scanner is critically damaged
Scanner recharging
bkozora /
Last active February 13, 2025 04:27
AWS Lambda AMI Backups
# Automated AMI Backups
# @author Bobby Kozora
# This script will search for all instances having a tag with the name "backup"
# and value "Backup" on it. As soon as we have the instances list, we loop
# through each instance
# and create an AMI of it. Also, it will look for a "Retention" tag key which
# will be used as a retention policy number in days. If there is no tag with
# that name, it will use a 7 days default value for each AMI.
chrisroos /
Last active November 25, 2023 07:00
Example of using bundler/inline

I came across 'bundler/inline' in Bundler pull request 3440, which I'd found from Rails pull request 20429. This now has a little snippet on the What's new page of the Bundler site.

This little example demonstrates how I might use it to create a single file using minitest.

I've just noticed that this script was working for me because I already had minitest installed as a system gem. If I uninstall the gem then the script fails because it can't find minitest. The source code documents an option to install gems if they don't exist (gemfile(true) do) but that doesn't seem to work for me. I see the following error:

Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Resolving dependencies...

Using metaclass 0.0.4