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Last active April 1, 2024 03:15
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A simple tetris-ish game in Python with the curses library. #python #game #curses
# テトリスもどき(Replitのコンソールで動作する)
# 左/右/下: 移動
# (半角)スペース: 回転
import curses
import random
import time
def main(stdscr):
w = 12 # 幅
h = 20 # 高さ
b = [] # 落ちているブロック
z = [0] * (w * h) # 確定ブロック
for i in range(w * h):
if i % w == 0 or i % w == w - 1 or i // w == h - 1:
z[i] = 1
p = e = t = s = 0 # 落ちているブロックの位置、タイミング、テトロミノ番号、得点
while True:
t0 = time.time()
# 落ちる処理
e += 1
if e == 4:
e = 0
p1 = p + w
if b and not any(z[p1 + i] for i in b):
p = p1
# キー入力の処理
k = stdscr.getch()
while stdscr.getch() != -1:
if k == ord(" ") and t != 0:
# 時計回りに回転
b1 = []
for i in b:
iy = round(i / w)
ix = i - w * iy
b1 += [-iy + ix * w]
p1 = p
elif k == curses.KEY_LEFT:
b1 = b
p1 = p - 1
elif k == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
b1 = b
p1 = p + 1
elif k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
b1 = b
p1 = p + w
b1 = None
if b1 and not any(z[p1 + i] for i in b1):
b = b1
p = p1
# 確定ブロック+落ちているブロック
x = z.copy()
for i in b:
x[p + i] = 1
# 接地判定
if b and any(z[p + i + w] for i in b):
z = x
b = []
# 消去判定
for j in range(h - 2, -1, -1):
while True:
if all(z[i + j * w] for i in range(1, w - 1)):
z[w : (j + 1) * w] = z[0 : j * w]
z[1 : w - 1] = [0] * (w - 2)
s += 1
# 新しいブロック
if not b:
t = random.randint(0, 6)
b = [
[-w + 1, -w * 2, 2, w + 1, -w - 1, -1, -1][t],
2 if t == 6 else -w,
p = w + w // 2 - 1
# 描画
for j in range(h):
for i in range(w):
stdscr.addstr(j, i * 2, "[]" if x[i + j * w] else " ")
stdscr.addstr(h, 0, f"SCORE: {s}")
# ゲームオーバー判定
if z[w // 2 - 1]:
stdscr.addstr(h // 2 - 2, w - 5, "GAME OVER")
# スリープ処理
dt = time.time() - t0
time.sleep(max(0.1 - dt, 0.01))
# 終了画面
r = []
for j in range(h):
l = ""
for i in range(w):
l += "[]" if x[i + j * w] else " "
r += [l]
r += [f"SCORE: {s}"]
return "\n".join(r)
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